Finesse A Rig

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Finesse A Rig

Postby Filthyfisherman » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:44 pm

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Postby Ca_Bass » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:34 am

Haha I like the song..rapping about fishing!

When I first started throwing the a rig I did it like everybody else, 1/4 oz jig heads and big's actually pretty hard to cast!

After fighting with that I rigged it up with 1/16oz or 1/8oz keel weighted swimbait hook. Much easier to cast and control.

Found the Yum version of it and theirs doesn't have a lead head in the front rather it has some sort of epoxy head..haven't tried it yet but I imagine I'm gonna like it better.

I really haven't dedicated much time to the A rig but I definitely see it's potential.

It's now outlawed in the elite series and the classic but still available in the opens and everything else. I wish they hadn't done this! They also outlawed the double fluke rig and drop shot rigs that use a jig instead of a regular DS weight.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:50 am


Can't wait till the peacock bass start schooling again...

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:06 am

Ya,, I've been throwing it with a 8' Flipping Stick and even that bends the tip a little... I've been useing owener 1/2oz bullet heads and SK 4" hollowbelly swim baits and the day before,, I superglue the swimbaits to the jig heads.... YA BASS has banded them but not FLW.... I think that FLW will pass by BASS in the professional bass angling world cause of things like this and their college league..... Plus BASS is going threw their transition stage now that Jerry Magintis and two other gentalman have bought back BASS from ESPN.... I have been practiing with the A rig for a bit now,, and notcied,, it makes catching SUSPENDING fish easier, you can find suspending fish on the sonar and as long as you position down wind and cast into the wind,, hold on.. The hits are pretty cool.... I haven't been throwing it recently to practice for the HFFA tourney tomarrow.. I plan to replace it with a sexy spoon and suspending rogue to catch the suspending hawgs.... Acually,, I have a totally new plan for this tourney!!! See if it pans out...

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Postby Ca_Bass » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:10 am

I'm gonna be fishing similar tmw at lake murray. Big front rolling through right now so it may make the fish suspend tmw. Plan on starting out with a lucky craft pointer 100 and a rouge..then probably a mag fluke or a caffine shad if the hard jerkbaits aren't producing. And if all that fails probably end up DS or a shakey head in deeper water. Mixed in with a drop shot finesse jig combo and a new rig I just read about called the jig rig...they're super easy to make you take a split ring and put it on a 3 or 4/0 ewg and then attatch a weight to the split ring. Tie your line to the split ring so the weight dangles below it...almost like a super compact dropshot rig. Never tired it before but it's something a little different. I made mine a little more unique by getting some thin wire and using glass and brass for the weight..kinda like those pre rigged carolina rigs and attatching that to the split ring.

I think as long as the top guys like KVD continue to only fish BASS they will stay on top as far as ratings go. I know quite a few of the top guys fish both tours but I think more of the "house" names stick to BASS. But I do think the FLW events are probably more competitive just because of the local sticks that fish the events. The best thing that ever happened to BASS was ESPN! They covered it sooo much better and I think it really made the sport grow. Hopefully they keep the model ESPN has set up.

I'm trying to fish all of the BASS weekend series touneys this year for the SC division, fishing as a co-angler. I don't know these lakes well enough to fish as a boater yet and I don't have enough time off work to prefish for the events to get to know them :( I'll definitely fish them as a boater next season.

Just signed up to fish the Southern open as a co angler...hope I get in! And if I don't I better get my deposit back!

One thing I know is I'm missing lake wilson right now! Tired of this cold weather...super jealous!

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