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Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

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Postby Basshead » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:20 pm

Its nice to have this forum, we all have one thing in common. The love addiction for fishing this lake, Bass, Peacocks or other species it doesnt matter. Live bait or lures only, it doesnt matter, the pure rush of catching a fish what matters, just the pure love for this addiction is what matters. So the next time you all go fishing, have a great time, thats all that matters.
All or Nothing

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:08 pm

It's nice to have so many Forum members willing to help their fellow fishermen. Your right, having fun is what it's all about. And helping others is just as much fun as catching a fish yourself.

I've heard there are 5 stages in a sportsmans life:

1. Just let me catch a fish... any fish.

2. Got to catch my limit.

3. Got to catch that "Wall Hanger", that Trophy Fish.

4. Been there, done that... what can I do to make fishing more of a challenge? Lighter line, fly fishing, topwater lures only?

5. Sharing the love of fishing. I really enjoy helping someone catch a fish. Especially a person catching their first fish. It's like every fish that they caught... well, it's like I caught it.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby Ca_Bass » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:55 am

When I'm fishing and I get a heart skips a beat! It has since I was little kid and still does to this never get's old! My favorite is a plastic worm bite. I'm shaking my worm, crawling it over sticks and rocks and then it happens....DINK DINK DINK..reel down and set the hook.

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:59 am

Its nice to have a forum that everyone gets along!!! SE Pennsylvania is crowded with unpleastant people and anglers.. This is by far One of the best fishing forums in the country!!!!!! I've been on a bunch to compare it with! The people make the difference!!!!!!! Its been a expirence moving here! I moved here with the mind set that Bass Fishing was over for me!!! Bucks County and PA Fish commission signed the contract have my fishing spot drained, after a fight from me and 2,000 other anglers. I told them that there were fish in here that could challange PA Big Bass that Year!!!!! This is Robin Run Reservoir, Its located behind my parents house in PA.. It was drained to fix a valve. I tried have it postponed and have the catch limit and size dropped, to transplant fish to local pond.. PA Fish n Boat confinscated my boat for the effort. Boats are allowed! They just were pist at me for complaining.. I won the case for my boat! So as you can see, to come here and find Lake Wilson and this fishing forum,, Is a miricle! I was destroyed when Robin Run was drained... This forum and this place has totally 360 everything!!!! Roadwarrior's studies on the weight of the Largemouth is important! We don't want this to happen to Lake Wilson! From expirence,, One of the worst feelings in the world when your favorite fishing place is destroyed!!!!!!! I'm still not over it!


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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:54 am

I've got one of my fondest memories a couple of years ago when I took my 4 year old granddaughter fishing for the very first time. After we got banked up on a point, I showed her how I hook the minnow and tossed it out. Seconds later, we hooked into this 5# Tuc! That was her very first fish! Talk about downhill from there! :lol: I know I've posted this pic before, but it never gets old for me. And Filthy, you can thank Stan for us identifying a problem with our LMB's growth rate. He has kept great records of the Tucs and LMB that they've caught over the years. I just sifted thru the numbers and presented what Stan's records showed.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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Postby fish4fun » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:23 pm

Great photo,
Smiles everyone smiles

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