Wife Earns Her Lake Wilson Triple Crown!!

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

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Wife Earns Her Lake Wilson Triple Crown!!

Postby roadwarriorsvt » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:30 am

What took me 3 years to earn, the wife went out and schooled me on how its done! :oops: She started off by crushing my ego with not 1, but 4 smallmouth bass! One was probably pushing 2 lbs. Although I was giving her tips, like keeping the pole tip up, she seemed to be doing just fine without my advice! :oops:



Waiting until the fish is out of water is the wrong time for me to give instructions on how to pose a fish. She got lots of practice on how to hold a fish this day anyways!


I think this is the largest SMB that she caught.


After she caught her 4th smallie, we went to the main part of the lake where we fished with Stan, Shane, and Mel for a bit. Naomi was able to pick up a small Tuc to secure her second jewle of the Triple Crown. Unfortunately, the bite seemed to just turn off and it started getting a little limited on the sunlight. I decided to go to one of my "go to" spots that is always fruitful. Shortly after getting there, Naomi picks up this 2 lb. 7 oz. Tuc.


We were running out of sunlight but not wanting to give up, we were being forced to head back. As a last ditch effort, we trolled along Kincaid's. The gods showed mercy and a nice little LMG took a ride on Naomi's hook to secure the third and final jewel of the Lake Wilson Triple Crown! While I was estatic, Naomi didn't find it that tough to do. It MUST have been the excellent guide! Yea, thats it! :lol:


All in all, she had a great day by catching:

4 smallmouth bass
2 peacock bass
1 largemough bass
2 red devils
1 bluegill
1 channel cat.

Totaling 11 fish. It was a great day in my book. Doing some fun fishing and spending time with the wife. 8)
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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Postby Ca_Bass » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:53 pm

I see another husband wife fish off on the horizon!! Now that you have her confidence up it's time to get yourself a steez rod :D

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:19 pm

im thinking we need a page with triple crown earners and their pics, maybe the vaunted grand slam as well, truly an impressive feat certainly deserves its own page!

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Postby Ca_Bass » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:49 pm

I happend to get triple crown about 3 years...I didn't even know it was difficult thing to do at the time....got kinda lucky I guess. I had spent a few hours on the main lake not catching anything, the water was really muddy from a recent rain so I headed to the north fork to try something different. On the way up there I found a few tucs ANIHILATING a school of shad...they had them all balled up and pushing them up against a steep rock/mud cliff, tossed a spinnerbait and caught a nice one about 4lbs. Then when I got to the stream there was a lone tuc busting shad on the cliff right near the mouth of the stream, got him on a bass assassin(funny thing, that day someone had told me that tucs don't up that far because the water is too cold). Then I caught a deathly ill looking lmb on a yozuri jerkbait from the rocks near the streams mouth(I felt bad that I had tricked this fish cuz he REALLY needed a meal)..then caught another on a plastic worm. On the way out I switched back to the jerkbait and caught a smallie on the cliff to the left while picking out a backlash :D he was about 1.5lbs. And that was my first trip to the north fork.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:09 pm

Its not uncommon at all for me to see or catch a Tuc way up north. Yes, the water is cooler, but the Tucs are there. Recently my jon boat on the bank got flooded thru the drain plug. After the water went down and drained out of the boat, I found a 2" fingerling peacock in the back, so apparently they even spawn way up north.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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