No clean sweep, too many Peacocks.

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Stan Wright
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No clean sweep, too many Peacocks.

Postby Stan Wright » Wed May 18, 2011 5:21 pm

I was being a smarty pants today and only used my Tenkara rod.
Chris and the guys in the other boat were catching largemouth
and peacock bass in the grass, and I was only catching the grass.
Spinner baits and little Senkos ruled over flys.
I only landed this one peacock.

OK, got my peacock... headed up to the waterfall to get my smallmouth.
Nada... , well except for one red devil. (the RD were not very aggressive today for some reason)

On the way back down to Mikimiki flats to get a
largemouth I ran into schooling peacock bass from
Morgans to Blueboat Pts...
I would show you pictures of all the fish I caught, but,
I never was able to land any of them. Remember the
Tenkara rod? Well it's recomended you use 5# test leader
(or lighter) or you might break the rod... As advertised,
the leader broke before the rod. :D
Every time.

It was exciting... Fish busting the surface, shad jumping
out of the water, cast the fly, hookup, huge bend in the
rod... "pack".... then tie on new leader and another fly...
As soon as Chris emails me the pictures of all the fish
they landed, I'll post them. 8) Howard was in the same area too.
Last edited by Stan Wright on Thu May 19, 2011 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Wed May 18, 2011 7:40 pm

Schooling around Morgans! Past couple years shut down hopefully this summer will be good!

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