sat april 9th

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

King Sushi level
Posts: 518
Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:42 pm
Location: north shore

sat april 9th

Postby BASSTRACKER » Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:29 pm

yep stans right although 7am was a bit early, they didnt start busting till 8 am really. luckily my son likes to fish that stretch so he told me o stop or i woulda headed further in. but about 8-10am it was non stop busting like stan said, hahah i shoulda taken a pic of him on one side of that stretch and us on the other, they kept busting in the middle! caught lotsa small peacocks, nothing more than a lb but fun and my son was exhausted from all the catching and by 10 it was time to hand him off to wifey so i could get some serious fishing in! of course right after i got back stan motors by saying it had all ended hahaha as is the way!! so i began to hit the places where the fish HAD been before the lake rose like 7 ft from the last time i fished it! and was really striking out at first, then found an awesome flippin/pitching pattern that worked like clockwork! and started hammerin 2+lb bass. got several small 10 inch ones and maybe 6 2lb ones and even a little 4inch guy i thought was a leaf at first! action was so good i used 2 bags of baits and alot of hooks and sinkers, it wasnt the easiest pattern to fish!! i wish i had had braid on!! color was important because south fork was much less stained than north fork. watermelon worked well on south but nothing up north, till itried junebug and yep color made the diffrence!! great day and my confidence in bank pounding is back!!

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