Peacock Bass Report

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Peacock Bass Report

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:05 pm

It was a beautiful day for fishing... catching left a little to be desired. LOL But then any day fishing is better than a day at work.
Hieroaki and his lovely bride Fumie decided to take in a little fishing during their first visit to the islands. Cold water and strong wind made for some tough fishing conditions. The red devils ran every time you cast a lure near them and the peacock bass were not nearly as aggressive as usual. We did see some large fish and they made half hearted chases after our lures. We also saw several big peacock bass paired off and in shallow water along the shore. They slowly eased off into deep water when we tossed a lure at them..... hopefully, it's an indication that spawning season can't be far away.

The peacock bass were busting the surface for a few seconds, but not long enough or often enough to get a lure near them. Hieroaki caught this peacock bass on a yellow road runner worked deep near Boy Scout Island. He was using 6# test.

Same fish, different photographer. Guess which one I took. LOL



"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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