New record Small Mouth???

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fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:00 pm

took my family to hoomaluhia and didnt catch any smallies fished for hour half then started pouring. knud talked to me said i need a game fish permit or the game warden was going to give me a ticket! Think he trying to scare people so he can catch them during the week lol! so what kind of lure or bait for smallies in there? any suggestion nice park to bring the keikis!

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:05 pm

You guys are making this Knute dude sound like a real douche bag! :lol: Whats his relation to this body of water anyway? This sounds like a place I'd like to take my family as well.

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Postby fisher dude » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:14 pm

Nah I'm not trying to make him sound like a douche bag but he said there's no spinncasting with lures but if you want to I could care less he kind of mumbled it so after he left I tried a roadrunner, whipping set up with a grub then a 3 inch senko caught a small jewel chiclid used that for bait I didn't walk around much just right there. And I didn't have my license so I figured I'll be back to try again when the weathers nicer. I think he's a volunteer that watches the people who fish and make sure they follow the rules he walks slowly past and just stared at me so I said so where's the good spot and he said in the water of course! If you don't say anything he'll just stare at you I don't know what kind of personality that is.he's not rude just making sure rules are being followed maybe thought I was going to keep the talapias and red devils lol!

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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:40 pm

Very Nice catch....
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Postby skunked » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:08 pm

Awesome smallies! I sure do miss hiking the north fork creek. My knees can't take the punishment anymore. Caught a few up to 2.5 lbs., but nothing like those pictured!
That guy Knud did seem like a creep when I would see him at Nuuanu Reservoir. He may have been trying to give advice to me and others, but the way he went about it was more like he was trying to show us up and just a general "Mr. Know It All" attitude. He should take some classes on tact and etiquette.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:12 am

Are the rules posted up for fishermen to read? I got no problem fishing with a cane pole but I'd like to see the rules first.

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Postby Ahnkochee » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:25 pm

I don't recall seeing any rules and I'm beginning to wonder if Knute is making up his own rules. All the rules say no fishing license required. Why would using lures negate this rule? If overhead casting was not allowed it's not posted on signs or in any written rules of Ho'omaluhia that I'm aware of.

I caught all my Smallmouths using live cichlids for bait. :wink:
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fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:59 pm

He told me if I catch a game fish it's illegal without a game fish license and he said I bet you don't got one! And I told him I got one but didn't bring it because I read you don't need one to fish there! He said you need one if you hook a game fish with a lure the game warden can give me a ticket? It is a state park but I don't think the game wardens really care if someone hooks a fish by accident, no one had life vest I know your sopossed to have one at Wilson. I really don't know. if I go back I'll just bring my license! Can you use the chiclids in there for bait or is he going to snap at me? I used one by that big cement block no luck.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:49 am

I think if I go I'll start off by offering this guy a big cup of STFU! I'd be glad to call him on his BS.


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Postby fisher dude » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:58 am

He isn't that bad the workers there are the conservationalst type. They have more fun protecting the fish than catching a fish. When I got there a worker stopped me and asked if I stopped by the visitor center to read the rules an info of the area? They just want to keep the place nice and nobody abusing the area. As far as the fishing rules if there are than follow them but if they aren't than why not. I don't want to cause bad vibes with Knud because something I posted! It's a good place to take the family over the weekend!

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Postby Ahnkochee » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:40 pm

Old Knute he does strut around barking orders at people like he owns the place. You're not the first or last person that's had to deal with him. If they were truly conservationist there they would encourage the keeping of Red Devils as a food source as right now they have taken over the pond to it's detriment. They are not bad eating from what I gather.
I wonder what ever happened to the 30+ pound Channel Cats that used to live in the pond. I used to take my boys there when they were little and bring along a bag of cheap dry catfood to feed the numerous monster size Channel Catfish that lived in the pond. Haven't heard anything about them in over 10 years. I hear there are large Grass Carp in there though I've never seen any.
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