white senko

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fisher dude
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white senko

Postby fisher dude » Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:10 pm

hey whats the theory with the plastic ball or bead on the front of the senko is there more action and how do you work it? got a couple chases and blowups without the bead wondering how better or if i should try it with!

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:34 am

One reason for the bead is to help the worm manuver over limbs, branches, etc. when being reeled back in. There may be other reasons like creating a small wake thru the water.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:25 am

Gary Yamamoto showed me the bead thing. Like RW said, it's to help the Senko slide over sticks and grass without hanging up on the nose of the worm.

With a regular plastic worm rigged Texas Style, you have a bullet weight. This not only gives it weight, but helps it slide through the underwater structure. The Senko sinks and doesn't really need a weight. But as the line comes over a twig, the worm hangs up and pulls the worm down the shank of the hook. So by using a plastic bead, the worm doesn't catch and pull down the hook shank so much.

I buy a string of plastic beads, or the more expensive glass beads, at a craft store or at Wally World.

I have also used pink, orange and read beads. I don't think the fish care one way or the other.
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