Thursday 28 oct

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Thursday 28 oct

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:16 pm

Well. if I was entering a peacock bass tournament tomorrow... I'd bring my fly rod and a bunch of small flys (1 to 1 1/2 inch size) That's the only thing I got them to bite today... flys.

I could have caught about 10 or 12 more if I'd had a hook on my bubble. :lol: The fish kept hitting the bubble... so I switched to a lead weight... and you guessed it... the fish hit the lead weight. (Looking back, I think the 4 to 5 foot leader was too long. Next I'm making it 1 to 2 foot long.. hopefully the fish chasing the bubble will see the fly.)

My "fly rod", a 13.5 foot rod, line, and no reel hooked all the fish. But because the Tenkara rod is so light you can't use leaders stronger than 5# test. My largest PB on the Tenkara today was 2 pounds. Those 3 and 4 pound PB and LMB kept breaking the leader. It was good fun catching the red devilsw and bass under a pound, but when one of the big guys hit, you could kiss the fly goodby ande start re-rigging.

There was scattered and light schooling action from the dam all the way back to the "County Yard", and that cove where all the big bamboo is. (south fork) If you couod get your lure into the splashing action you'd get a hit... even if it was a hit on the bubble. :evil: :lol:

Tough fishing... saw a lot of PB and Red Devils that ran away when I cast to them. Lots of follows and swirls at the lures... fish just didn't seem that aggrrssive.

There were a bunch of these guys around.
You had to get them into the boat quick before one of the big guys grabbed it.

The under a pound size are fun on the light whippy Tenkara rod.

The red devils were really spookie today.

This was my 2# PB... the larger fish broke my light leader.

With a mouth so big... how come they go for the small lures and flys?
Last edited by Stan Wright on Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:11 pm

So when a 3#er or larger locked on, it broke the leader? Not my idea of fun! :?

And Stan, why are you showing us a pic of your lure in the first pic? No wonder you didn't catch anything with that, you forgot to put on the treble hooks! :lol:


Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:42 pm

Well, not every large fish broke my leader.... there was this 4# size largemouth bass that grabbed my "lure that I forgot to put the trebble hooks on".
When it finally realized it was "hooked"... it jumped and threw the "lure with no trebble hooks in it". :roll:

Since all this took place right beside the boat and in clear water... it was really exciting to watch. :D
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Float Tube 27
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Postby Float Tube 27 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:03 pm

Thanks for the reports! I haven't been out there for awhile and your reports keep me informed on what is going on with the lake. Hopefully I will be out there soon so I can send you all pictures.

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Postby Ca_Bass » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:14 pm

I wish I would have read this report before today and I would have brought my fly rood

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