2 for 1?

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2 for 1?

Postby roadwarriorsvt » Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:14 pm

Last weekend I took my father-in-law fishing. It is not uscommon for both of us to catch a fish at the same time. But this time, we BOTH caught the same fish! He hooked it in the gut while I hooked it through the lip. One other fish I caught on that trip spit out 4 minnows as he was trying to shake out the hook! Anyone else got any interesting/funny stories?

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Postby Crash » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:27 pm

I got one, although not from Wilson.

I took my son fishing in the White Mountains of AZ last month for Apache trout. He gets a "bite" and...hanapa'a...fish on. Fish gets landed, smallish 13 incher.

Here's where it gets interesting.

Somehow the Apache had been hooked before (and broken off) and there was about 8 inches of leader hanging out of it's hooked mouth. There was a snap swivel attached to the non-hooked end. Somehow, the fish swam by my son's hook and snagged his baited hook perfectly. Basically, the boy caught the snap swivel on the leader.

I should have went out and bought a lottery ticket that day. Definitely a one in a million hook up.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:36 pm

Now thats both funny & interesting!

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Postby Crash » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:48 pm

I'm sure that there are others that have similar interesting stories. Can't wait to hear them.

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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:23 am

We were fishing at Blue Boat Point when I hooked a 12 inch peacock bass.
The little goldfish slid up the line. There was a big splash and a 3 1/4 pound largemouth grabbed the peacock bass. Now the 12 inch peacock slides up the line and the largemouth is hooked in the lip.
So we have a 3 1/4 pound bass hooked in the lip. Up the line is a 12 inch peacock bass, and on the line above that is the little goldfish.

I was using 4# test line with no leader.... but after a short battle, we landed all three fish in one swoop of the dip net.
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Postby pogigod » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:00 am

We'll my story is almost exactly like crash, in Kbay, But we hooked a 2once weight that was connected to 300# mono, and at the end was a skate, guess the people that hooked it before didnt want to get close and just cut their rig.
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Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:30 pm

once a friend and i were out and he was starting to get tucs on a crankbait so i rigged up same color and size and foul hooked 2 armored catfish. later he rigged a spinnerbait and again a couple of nice tucs,again i change and hook another armored catfish! later he rigs a platic worm and gets 2 nice bass!! reluctantly i think ok no way im gonna get a damn pleco on a worm................ i hook a turtle....... he ends up having a great day with like 15 fish and i end up with 4 plecos and a turtle, thank god we didnt have a camera!

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Postby pogigod » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:56 pm

I think this was pretty funny, went out today with my wife, fishing the normal spot where we never catch anythin... about an hour in i got annoyed at the fact i had a "loop" on my reel really far down from pier fishing.... so i manually strip out line till i reached the loop to find out it was an acutal not. I even commented to my wife saying might as well snap it here and re-rigg now then have to do it when i am catching fish, i cut my line right before the knot. went to hand reel in the rest of my line when i realized it was shooting across the lake. Had to hand pull the fish in. It was a channel cat, a fish my wife has never seen. So i was explaining to her about the bones in the fins, as i was saying make sure to be carefull of them the fish spazz, and i started to loose balance on the tree trunk i was standing on, the fish slipped out of my hand stabbed my wife in her leg then happily flopped into the water..... I just found the irony in this story funny, at least to me....
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Postby Crash » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:41 pm

I bet that hurt..dont tell your wife you thought it was funny.

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Postby BillFHM3C » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:44 pm

This might be one of those "You had to be there" kind of stories. But it was funny, if not weird,at the time.

I was camping at Makua Beach, about 300 yards (Kaena Pt. Side) from "Pray For Sex" with the family and friends. One morning, just after sunrise, I decide to go try my luck dragging a 6" Neutral Blue/Yellow Rapala through the surf, which wasn't over a foot tall, towards the shore. As I was pulling it through the sandy bottom, really close to shore, I noticed a shadow start to chase it, but stop short. So I cast out and powered it towards shore and stopped just short of the beach and the shadow pounced on it and took off. After I get it to shore the "shadow" turns out to be a 4 pound octopus. My father-in-law was happy. He cut it up and we had it for breakfast.

Then as we are getting ready to pack up and go home, I figure I'll try it one more time. So I get out my big shore caster and a silver 6" Floating Yonimura Minnow and give some wicked casts. I was casting it way past the surf line and reeling it in like a banshee. After the 6th or 7th cast a big red throated Frigate bird flys by and dives on my lure. I saw it coming and pulled it really hard in order to "dive the boat", but this bird was a hell of a diver cause it came up with my lure and tried to fly off with it in it's beak. And yes, I had one hell of a time getting the bird to the ground. The bird was screaming, making all kinds of blood curdling noises, not to mention attracting all kinds of human attention. I took several jabs to the hand and forearm before I was able to get a towel over it's head and get the lure out of it's mouth/bill. It must of been really hungry cuz the lure was in there quite a ways. But after a brief struggle the bird flew away and I got my lure back. My father-in-law, Boogie, dubbed me the Great White Fisherman" of the family.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:55 am

Going fishing and catching a bird! :lol:

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Postby Ken » Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:26 am

1) I was 12 or 13 at the time. I was fishing at a local lake using feeder fish from the pet shop when I seagull dove for the bait. I freaked out when the bird had the bait in its mouth. So I pulled and the bait came out but hooked the gull in the wing. I had the hardest time pulling it in...and at the end, I just cut the line and set the bird free.

2) I was probably 16 at the time. I was fishing on a fishing bridge at the reservior using a 6" dead minnow. I was casting it and twitching the dead minnow back to the bridge. On one of the cast, I happened to look down and see a huge beak and neck. It was a snapping turtle with a head and neck the size of two soda cans and the shell was the size of a small table. Luckily, I managed to pull the minnow away from it fast enough...missing that turtle by just an inch.

3) Same fishing bridge, different year...someone was fishing on the bridge and caught a 4lb largemouth bass. He put it on the stringer and a while later, we found a snapping turtle ate half of that bass. Then, the turtle came over and took a couple of bluegills of our stringer.

4) I was fishing at a river mouth a few years ago. We were bottom bouncing for brown trout. I managed to hook the tangle of leader line that came out of the mouth of a brown trout. This trout was hooked and managed to break free previously. Not sure if that counted as my fish...but it tasted good. :lol:
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Postby pogigod » Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:10 pm

went to Kbay again last night, and caught a small baitfish from my bass rod, so i switched it to heavier tackle and casted it back out.... about 10 min later i had a hit on the rod.... stood there for another min or 2 waitin for a follow up, but nothing followed.... When it came into view i saw that i still had half the fish left and a hammerhead was following it, i pulled it to the top and watched the hammer head start eating it again, then came an idea.

When i use live bait i use a 5-6foot leader and infront of that a large 1-2 once weight. Well the shark was busy trying to finish off the second half of my baitfish, so i decided to use the weight as a snare. I went around the shark about 3-4 times on bot sides of the head then as fast as i could heaved.... the shark came out of the water and landed on the peir. Didnt hook it at all just tangled my line around its head a few times :)
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