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better late than never.

Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:24 pm

a bit late but last weekend i was out and was puttin together a pretty good day. my son caught his first bass on our third cast. a nice 12" guy perfect for him,nothing like takin your son fishing! he got pretty bored after another hour of tangles and feeding the geese. in the afternoon wife picked him up and i got to get some me time in.water temp was up to 82 and them little 6" bass knocked anything that slithered near the grass. i saw about 10 small 3-4" bass attacking 2 oscars and thier fry on morgans point, its just awesome to see so many bass once again. caught one nice maybe 2lb tuc on a crankbait but he threw the hook at the boat, was down maybe 8ft.lots of shad balls about 3-4ft around cruzing the surface, several diffrent areas of the lake. late afternoon had several busts happen right near the boat but didnt have the right stuff rigged up. so hopefully its the start of the tucs and the surface busts! keep that one pole rigged for it and ready! i did find the larger bass down really deep. was catching em pretty good was counting down the diffrent lures to about 25 ft then workin em realy slow, got 4 nice 2+lb bass in about 2 hours. i would count down my lure and twice it stopped well before the 25 count, first time it took me a sec to realize something was swimming away with the lure,second time i was ready and set the hook. so pay attention! and good luck!

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Postby Crash » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:28 pm

There's nothing better than kids catching fish...especially their first one.

It sounds like the bass are making a comeback, just like the bluegills. That's awesome news.

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