Fun Friday

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Fun Friday

Postby Stan Wright » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:40 pm

Brian Kimata, (Brians Fishing Supply) and Glenn Yoshida met me at the freahwater park at 9:00 AM on Friday. As we passed that cove full of bamboo and entered the area called "County Yard".... Brian spotted some fish chasing bait along the shore.

Turned out it was peacock bass chasing shad. I turned off the engine grabbed a rod and cast into the feeding frenzy. Hookup.. a 1 2/3 pound peacock bass. Over the next 4 1/2 hours we never moved out of the "County Yard" area.

Brian was using one of those $2 lures he sells at the store. It's a fast sinking, minnow looking thing. He fished it slow and deep. Glenn was fishing everything in his tackle box..... and catching on most of it.
I seemed to be spending all my time netting, measuring, weighing, and tagging peacock bass.

Water temperature was 74 degrees.... so that blows my "fish don't bite during cold water days".

The fish would school up and bust the surface, but most of the fish were taken deep. Deep and slow... perfect for a rattle trap lure.

I'm tired, so I'll end it here. We tagged 19 fish. Most over 2 1/2 pounds.
The largest 3 were 3 1/2 pounds each. Great fun on 4# and 6# test spinning tackle. We probably lost twice that many.....
"Sportsman's Release" LOL I don't know how a fish can spit out a lure with two trebble hooks.







Moved up to the North Fork.... Starting at the dam on the north side of the lake..... there were hundreds and hundreds of red devils.... going back tomorrow with my fly rod. All Day, NOTHING on Live Bait... all lures.
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Postby Salmon_Slayer » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:45 pm

Looks like you guys had one hell of a day out there Stan. Maybe Ill see you out there. We will be starting at Kemo'os and then moving around thru out the day. We will be out there at five on the back. If you see you us out there troll on up and talk a minute.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:00 pm

So while you were out catching a butt load of peacocks, I put in 13 hours at the office. :cry: That just ain't right! :evil: :P

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Postby Stan Wright » Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:21 am

Today, Wed..... looks just like it did last Fri..... when we had such good luck.
Light and variable winds, clear, not a cloud in the sky... and just before another cold front passes through.
Could the good luck be the "calm before the storm", when the fish all go on a wild feeding frenzy?

And I'm sitting here on the computer insted of out fishing on the lake?

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby ssminnow » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:49 pm

You didn't miss anything today Stan.
I was there on Friday to get some of the action on Friday with you.
But today, I fished from 11 to 2 and saw only 2 busting tucs.
Slow day so I worked the shore with live bait. They always work.

The only other boat out today looked like your old Kalamath.

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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:31 am

I'm sure that the Klamath boat was Clay from Nervous Water Fly Shop. I'll have to go read his Blog to see how they did. I know he's been mostly Oio fishing lately. ... c=10&id=13
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Postby tkpeltier » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:47 pm

Those are some real nice Tuc's there! Looks like you guys had a fun day.
Catch and Release!

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