Fast Action

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Fast Action

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:45 pm

Got a call around 2:30 from Tommy. He'd been
fishing for 2 hours and landed 29 peacock bass
before he ran out of live bait. The action at
Morgans Point was going strong and he was
headed out again. I told him I would be at the
lake in 1/2 an hour and I'd bring the bait.
(I didn't count on a brush fire closing H-2)
Some 2 1/2 hours later, at a little after 5:00
I met Tommy at the boat ramp.

Passing Boy Scout Island I spotted the
60 Foot marker. (arrow) It's a long way up
to the Full Mark of 80 Feet. (circle) Even
with the water level at the lowest I can
remember... we had no problems launching
the big bass boat.

Tommy, RJ, and I headed for Morgans Pt....
within minutes we were all hooked up...
a triple. Then the action really started.
As fast as a live bait hit the water it was a
hook up.
If you just laid the rod down in the boat
with the live bait dangling in the water...
hook up. It was wild.

RJ was first to land a peacock bass...

I was using 4# test line and both Tommy
and RJ were using 10# test. We would all
hook into a fish.... they would land their fish
re-bait and have another fish on way before
I could get my fish into the boat. Most of
the time they landed 2 to 3 fish to my one.
With every fish he caught, Tommy set a
new "Best day of fishing" record.
Peacock at the end of the rainbow.

After about 10 or 12 fish I was ready to
call it quits. These peacock bass all weighed
in at 2 to 2 1/2 pounds and put up a good
fight on my light spinning tackle. In less
than an hour, Tommy had bested his record
with a total of 53 peacock bass landed and
RJ had a new best of 23 fish.

See, I did catch a fish.

On the way in we passed Blue Boat Pt....
7 little kids were catching like crazy.
Looked like the adults were baiting
hooks and netting fish.

The good old days are here and now....
Last edited by Stan Wright on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BadBass » Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:38 pm

MAN! i got all my live bait ready on friday for saterday. I woke up sick! so i didnt go out today! I was at home looking at all my bait thinking i bet Stan is out on the lake catching all the peacock bass! LOL... so i fiqure maybe some posted the results of todays fishing and there it was with pictures Stan was out on the lake doing what i wish i was doing :cry: LOL well im feeling better today. One day i to will catch multiple tucs.. i will post photo's as well. Nice fish guys

one badbass fisherman

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Postby skunked » Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:52 am

Awesome catches guys! I'm happy if I catch one or two! Tommy, stop by the Whitmore Apartments and pick me up someday! Hehe!
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:38 am

By FAR, my best day of fishing ever. I'm glad I was able to share this good fishing day with friends. 8) There were even a couple of small bust near Morgans, and we saw a bust on our way to Morgan's, but I didn't wanna chance 'um since I knew Morgan's was a sure thing.
Big mahalos to Stan for the pics. Its always great fishing with you. Stan was nice enough to teach me everything he knows about fishing,....... and I still don't know nothing! :roll: :wink:
Skunked, PM me your number and I'll give you a call when I go out.

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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:53 am

BadBass, go to Morgans Pt. and nose your boat right into the end... Tye up to a rock or just set your anchor on the shore. We use a screw-into-the-ground thing used to tye up your dog. You can get it at any City Mill.

Now, take your spinning outfit... (I like a 4# up to 10# test line.) Using a "Palomar" knot, tie on a #10 AH hook directly to the main line. About a foot above the hook, attach a BB size weight.

Any live bait will work, Mosquito Fish, Tilapia, Goldfish. I like the gold feeder fish... Medium size. (At Moanalua pets in Stadium mall they cost $18 for 100) At about 1 1/2 to 2 inches, they are just right for the #10 AH hooks.
I hook the bait through the lips, from bottom to top.

Gently cast the bait out away from the boat... gently, you want to keep it alive... and you don't have to cast very far. Close the bail and
S-L-O-W-L-Y start reeling... slowly.... just fast enough to keep the line tight. As the action heats up all you'll have to do is just dangle your bait in the water beside the boat and watch the fish grab it.

You could also use a floater.... good for fishing with kids, gives them something to watch and they don't get stuck as often. LOL

Now remember this is very secret information... gained through years of trial and error. Keep it a secret between you and me....
Don't tell anyone.
Stan :wink:
Last edited by Stan Wright on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BadBass » Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:58 am

Thank you. Dont worry Mr. Wright your secret is safe with me. I wont tell anyone! LOL i just need to find that morgans place now. LOL

one badbass fisherman

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Postby BadBass » Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:28 am

Hey Stan,

One more thing what kind of knot do you use to tie your rapala type lures? I found out where morgans point is and seen all the different type of lures used in the lake as well. I love this site because i learn so much from all of you. Thanks guys. Badbass
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Postby Ken » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:36 pm

Use a Rapala knot for a Rapala (and I'm not being sarcastic). You should be able to find out how to tie one on the Rapala website.

Alternatively, you can use a snap swivel.

Nice day of catching Stan! Got any Alaska pics? :wink:

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:04 am

Just a little follow-up info,...

Monday afternoon I went back to the exact same spot where we caught a total of 80+ Tucs on Saturday, and caught 4. I guess thats why they call it fishing and not "catching"! :?

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Postby skunked » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:32 pm

Got 4 tucs today across from Boy Scout Island. All around 1.5 lbs and caught on topwater baits which made it even more fun. Used a Lucky Craft Sammy 85mm and a Zara Super Spook Jr., both walk-the-dog type baits. Best part was that I didn't lose my Lucky Craft on a rock or stump! Not too bad of a day by my standards. Usually I'm happy to catch one! I hope to catch a bass soon.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:41 pm

Catching a peacock is fun no matter how ya do it, but having one blow up on your top water lure is da bomb! 8)

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Postby skunked » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:12 pm

Couple more things. No matter how many times I tell myself to listen to the pros advice of "don't set the hook until you feel the fish" or "wait about a second, then set the hook", I can never do it! It is so startling when they strike, it's impossible for ME to stop my natural reflex to jerk the rod. I must have missed as many fish as I caught today. Also, this was the first time I had any success catching busting tucs.
The only downer today was the boat that passed me and another shore angler on full plane and not even bothering to go closer to the opposite bank. It was a johnboat with two men and a boy riding. Way to go with the parenting! Nice role model you are. What are you going to say when your son asks you about the posted speed limit? "Oh, that doesn't apply to us, Son." "We don't have to follow the rules" "Those guys fishing on the shore aren't important, we'll just pass by and pretend we don't see them, OK?"
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Postby BadBass » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:37 pm

i think my boat only goes about 5 miles an hour. lol. But i have now caught two LMB one from whipping and the other from trolling. I am begining to try new styles of fishing at the lake. But honestly i love how relaxing it is. I always cant wait for a free day to just go out and fish. (
( Lake wilson makes me love fishing again! )

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Postby wahiawabasshunter » Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:08 am

cant wait for my boat to be sucks that I was at the lake from the 7 to 12pm and only caught 2 bass with the live bait..cant wait for the days when I get home and the girlfriend ask how many you got and I can say 30..AHHHHH..Another couple of weeks
basshunter ;)

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Postby BadBass » Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:33 am

Cool what kind of boat do you have?
one badbass fisherman

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