whos minding the store?

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whos minding the store?

Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:01 pm

so i wrote some emails requesting info on whats up with the lake,to 2 dlnr departments. no replys in a week. took it on myself to call today,was on with a pleasant lady who had no clue what i was talking about and no one else to ask there. i tried again later hoping a supervisor or manager type might be there in the afternoon.again same lady and no one else to talk too.so i called a diffrent division and another pleasant lady refered me back to the first number hahahaha. so checked the website and twitter but nothing but the wintertime change in park hours posted. so much for using twitter or anything to keep the public informed eh.too bad its all appointed positions and not elected.anyho ho;pe theres water for that jackpot tourney!

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Postby ynototony » Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:48 pm

Went Last night to do some catfishing and it was way down.. It rained on us a couple times but wasnt enough to chase us away nor fill the lake ::DARN:: ... Caught a couple small cats on chicken liver nothing to brag about :( .. Is the Tournament going to be open to shore fishermen??

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:41 am

The DLNR has so many sub-divisions, just getting connected to the appropriate one is a task in itself. I believe the right one is the Dept. of Land and Forrest Division. or something close to that. I'll e-mail my contact at the DLNR and see whats up with the water level.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:37 am

Believe me.... all the departments at DLNR are geting an ear full about the water levels at Lake Wilson. From the fisherman, from the media, and from all the legislators we fisherman have been calling. :lol: :lol: :lol: Remember those 7000 plus anglers who signed up to go catfishing? That's a lot of freshwater voters and the politions are starting to really respong when we call them.
:D :D :D

The DLNR has the water lake at the 65 foot level because of the threat of flooding. They want the lake to act as a flood control in case of a really big rain.... It is huricane season, so the threat of flooding is a real possibility.

Everyone at the state is thinking about that Koloko Dam break 2 years ago on Kauai. I don't think they are actually worried about the dam breaking as much as allowing time to get people in Waialua and Haleiwa to high ground.

The gates in the spilway system are not working, and until they can get that fixed they want to keep the water level at the 65 foot mark.
I understand something like 4 of the 5 gates in the tower are rusted shut and won't work. I haven't heard about if they are repairable or when the money to fix them will be available. (sounds like an Obama Stimmilas Money project thing to me) :wink:

I also understand that if the gates are fixed, the water level of the lake will be allowed to rise.

I'll be happy if they just keep the lake at a consistent water level... not up and down all the time. And more important... at a level we can use the boat ramp.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

King Sushi level
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Postby BASSTRACKER » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:16 pm

i started with the division of aqatics and for being in charge of the fresh water stuff they seemed pretty clueless to whats up. tried parks and rec second and was refered to aquatics hahahaha. i was hoping there was a good reason for the water droppin like maybe a damn fix.seems like it may still be goin down i notice the wet mud line above the water. ahhhhhh remeber the good ole days when with the panic at 5 slats showin hahaha now its high and dry,and 5 slats showin at the ramp seems like high water.they supposedly dropped the gauge to read lower water levels,68ft was the lowest, that point was past wayyyyyyyyyy back at the beginning of august, i think its much lower than 65ft, maybe 60 or less?they let out water pretty fast when they feared the heavy rains coming from felicia, they dropped it like 6-8ft in just 3 days. i was impressed but then it kept goin down.its a real bummer...................

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