It's all relative

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It's all relative

Postby boneless » Fri May 29, 2009 9:23 pm

Had a kinda slow but far from bad day on the lake today. At about 8:45, I put the yak in at my usual spot across from Boy Scout Island (Boy Scout Point?) and set my timer for 20 minutes. I had promised myself I would paddle north for that amount of time or until I reached water that was new to me. I was forced to stop along the way to cast to busting fish across from the dam. It was a glassy morning so you could see the baitfish sort of fizzing the surface just before to tucs lit into them. I was able to land one on a small gold castmaster. Missed several more.
It would be a couple of hours before I caught another fish. Anyway, I pulled over and fished from the bank for a while and commiserated with Stan who happened by with some clients. Is it wrong to feel a little better that the master was having a tough day too? I mean, I want everyone to catch and all but if someone who truly knows what he is doing is having a slow day, then we can just blame the lake. You know, instead of my casting, fly tying, hook setting, etc. Well, after Stan went by, I was able to catch a spawner, a jewel banded cichlid and a bluegill (my 1st from Lake Wilson) all on a fly similar to Clay's clean sweep.



I then promptly lost the fly on a misplaced back cast. So in the end, it was four fish in about 5 hours which may sound bad but I'm counting today as a success. I got a couple of tucs, a new-for-me-here species and I didn't break anything. Now if I can just catch a fish when Stan is nearby, he can put 15 or 20 pounds on it for me. note: the fish in the pix may look small but keep in mind, I have HUGE hands.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri May 29, 2009 10:13 pm

:lol: At least you were out on the lake and not stuck inside working! A mixed plate day is always good!

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri May 29, 2009 10:14 pm

Great report... I'll post pictures later after I've had my nap... :D
It was a long day.

Our day went about like yours. It was great to be out, but the fish were just not that enthustiac about having their picture taken. :lol:
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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