100+ fish day

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Stan Wright
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100+ fish day

Postby Stan Wright » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:05 pm


Thanks again for a super fishing experience. One of those days that Chris 16 talks about. LOL I couldn't believe how everyone was hooked up at the same time...... all 5 of us. Not once or twice, but most of the time. Double and triple hookups were the norm. I don't remember any time when there was not at least one fish on.

Live bait was really the ticket today. Everyone I stoped to talk to on the lake today caught fish. Wow. And that rainbow.......

See You Tomorrow?


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What a day!!!!

Postby slater » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:04 pm

Man I new you were having some luck today but god...100+ fish...I had a great day last weekend although my line kept snapping...i tried stronger line today but I think I over compensated with 20lb test...trail and error I quess...I have never been accused of beening a professional fisherman...HAHAHA...anyway I am glad you had such an exciting day...if you get the time could you fill me on some of the tackle you use...ie line strength, hook size...any help would be great...I don't really know anyone who likes to fish so getting good advice is pretty difficult...thanks...hopefully I will see you out there on Monday

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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:57 am

Tackle: Mike and his group were using spinning tackle..... looked like rather heavy line. I would guess it was Power Pro line testing over 20 pound test. I think I might have seen some red Cajon line, and some braided line, again, heavy line. With all the fish being caught, I really wasn't looking at the line. LOL
The bend in the hooks they were using looked to be about the size of your little finger. Strong, but yet small enough to where the 2 and 3 inch live bait could still move around a little.

Earlier, I saw another angler in a boat loose a 6+ pound fish that got wrapped around a submerged log. They were just slowly working the edge with a live bait. No weight on the line. Just toss it toward the waters edge and hang on. We were just sitting there talking when he saw the fish and we watched it hit. WOW.

Mikes group was in an area where there was nothing for the fish to get tangled around so lighter line would have worked. It was nice to see them playing the fish, even with the heavier line. They were also able to get the fish in and released without totally stressing it out.

I normally use 8# test line and a #10 A-H hook with one BB split shot. The line is strong enough to land most fish, yet light enough so you have to fight the fish..... (not skip it across the surface and into the boat like you see in the bass tournaments on TV.) We still loose a few fish even though I'm fishing from a boat and trying to get the fish into deep water where it won't tangle around something. Works most of the time. LOL

Yesterday was just one of those beautiful days when all the conditions were right and the fish were in a feeding frenzy....... all day long.


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Postby skunked » Sun Sep 03, 2006 4:07 pm

100 Fish! Wow, you are getting pretty good at this fishing stuff! Good job! When are you taking me out again? Hehe!
Fishing is fun only if you do it for fun.Image www.texassidewinderrods.com

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Postby kahuna bass » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:36 am


Pretty impressive. Glad to see the Tuc's are on the chew.

Hope to get out there the end of this month and try my hand at Tuc fishing. It's been a long time.

Mel "Kahuna bass"

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:38 am


All this week we've been mostly catching on live bait. (it's hard to use lures when you know live bait will produce) How many fish? How many baits do you have?????? Yes, That Many Fish. Morgans Point, it's on the map.


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