Finally caught something!

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Postby skunked » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:47 pm

Yeah, I am looking at the shimano cardiff, quantum cabo, and a daiwa. Got to do more research though before I pull the ebay trigger! Maybe check out that Cabela's one too.
Used my chronarch 51mg again the other day. What an awesome reel! Only 5.9 oz., so even with rod, it is lighter than a lot of reels by itself. Can't use it in salt due to the magnesium frame though. Next, I'm gonna try out my daiwa alphas 103 from Japan to see if it lives up to the hype that I've read about on the internet.
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Postby skunked » Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:24 am

Had some luck yesterday! I caught my personal best tuc of 5 lbs. To some of you, that might be just a "nice one" but to me it was a great thrill to catch it. I used a live cichlid and 8 lb. line. He absolutely smashed the bait as I watched in awe! I was scared the line would break because of the strength of the fish and the submerged logs all around. Luckily, I got it out to open water, but he wouldn't stop jumping! I thought he would throw the hook like a smaller one did earlier that I hooked on a rat-l-trap. The hard part was somehow getting the camera ready on my mini tripod and the self timer set, all the while trying to make sure the fish didn't get away. After releasing him, I caught 3 more smaller ones. I would have stayed all day, but I had to work the night shift. I guess I'll have to go back today then!
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Postby tucmaster » Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:44 pm

Awwwright Skunked! Hey, a five pounder is not just a "nice one", that's a great tuc, period. You're having great luck with those live cichlids. You'll be reporting six and seven pounders in no time. Good luck and good fishing.

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I tihnk I saw you catch that.

Postby JeffFaulkner » Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:53 pm

Where on the bank on the Scholfield side? I think that I was floating out there watching you fight that. If that was you that was a great fight and a good fish. Even from far away. I spent the last day on Lake Wilson last Saturday. I am moving back to California.
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Postby Stan Wright » Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:09 am

Way to go skunked. Loved the story of your success.... especially the picture. Keep us informed.


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Postby skunked » Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:28 pm

Hey thanks guys! I just hope the water stays low for a while so that I can continue to fish from the bank. I guess the place I fish at is the one across from boy scout island. The thing that really irritates me is looking out at the beautiful lake and then turning around and looking at the shoreline all covered with trash. How can people fish and enjoy the resource and then just ruin it by leaving their trash behind? The worst kind is the fishing related trash like lure boxes, hook packages, and the like. That means they have no appreciation of what it means to be able to enjoy fishing. In my picture, you can see a discarded tub right at the water's edge. Terrible!
Sorry, had to vent
I think I should rename myself "spoiled" because I find myself not even throwing my bait at a fish if it looks small. In the past I would be overjoyed if I caught a 10 inch tuc! Do you guys do this too? Well, I guess it makes sense for me because I work hard to catch my bait with hook and line. I only catch about 8-10 baitfish per trip, so I have to use them wisely.
Mr. Faulkner, are you moving to So. Cal.? If so, please go to Lake Dixon and legally catch that 25lb. largemouth! Good luck on your relocation and future fishing endeavors. You will be in bass country!
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Thanks for the wishes

Postby JeffFaulkner » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:34 pm

Ya there are some great fisheries that have finally developed. Dixon is great, unfortunately it is a zoo becasue of the shamu sized bass they caught. I live relatively close to Diamond Valley, Irvine, Hodges and some other great lakes. I can't wait to go get some largemouth, but there will always be the thrills of catching tukes on Wilson. Unfortunately that last trip I took I couldn't get one in the boat. I will have to come back and hit it hard soon. I will post from my future adventures and check up here frequently.
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Good bye

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:57 am

Hey Jeff, to bad you have to move now, the fishing is pretty good right now and should be good for the next few months. Since you have fished from both the shoreline and a boat, which is better for catching tucs? Which is more fun? Good luck and good fishing.

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Postby JeffFaulkner » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:10 pm

I love being on a boat. So I prefer fishing from a boat, but both are real fun. There are some spots on the lake that have less trash in them, so a boat is nice to be on. Either way I live, eat, breath and sleep fishing. I can't get enough.
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Postby Ken » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:16 pm

Trash is a problem in Canada as well.

In a few weeks, the salmon will start to migrate up river to spawn. Anglers line the banks of river and so will wads of line, piles of coffee cups, floatilas of empty styrofoam boxes and mats of mesh (we use mesh to wrap around salmon eggs so we can put them onto the hook). Oh, the worst is masses of gutted salmon carcasses. People view salmon eggs as the best bait for salmon and trout and irresponsibly kill salmon just to harvest the eggs (which is the next generation of fish! :evil: ). Not only that, the eggs are taken but the fish is left to rot by the river bank. :evil: Our Ministry of Natural Resources do have rangers that tickets people...but the effort is very weak in comparison to the number of violators. :(

I hope one day people will begin to realize the damage they are doing to their home (ie the Earth). I always believe that everyone must go through a course that teaches proper fishing practices before you can obtain a fishing license.

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Postby skunked » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:23 pm

Went today for a couple of hours. Caught only 3, but one of them was a pretty big one of about 4 lbs. It was funny because I had hooked a small one and then while I was fighting it, this big one kept following it around. I am pretty sure it is illegal to use 2 rods at one time, so I got my next bait ready in my hand while still fighting the small one. I quickly landed, unhooked, and released the small one while keeping an eye on the big one. I got the bait rigged up and threw it at the big one and BAM!, he whacked it. What a thrill! It was hooked very deep, but luckily I was using a barbless hook and I had my trusty long nose pliers with me. This fish had been caught and released recently because I noticed a hole in its upper lip. Catch and release works! After landing that one, it was totally dead for the next hour, then I went home. I did see a 1 1/2 lb largemouth busting a school of small tilapia, but I had no luck with him. My mission now is to catch a bass. I haven't caught one in the lake in about 5 years.
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good fishing

Postby chris16 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:44 pm

well i finalley went fishing on my day off i hooked up with 38 tucs and my dad beat me with 42 it was a good few hours of fishing. i had one tuc about 5 pounds and a largemotuh about 2 pounds nice fat belly on him. my dad had a pungee really skinny sick lookin one but was a good sight to see one i havent caught one in about 2 years. ohh well it was fun.

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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:18 pm

Hay Skunked, What's say we find out the next time Chris16 has a day off for fishing and we follow him?


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Postby skunked » Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:57 am

sounds like a good idea. This father and son tandem is unreal!
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Postby chris16 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:46 am

well i know half the people here are haveing a hard time bealiveing me when when i post wat we catch but u know wat does not matter to me i know that i can catch fish on that lkae anytime i want. so u guys say stuff i dont care. i know were more then half the points and drops are in the lake. my dad has been fihsing this lake back in the late 60s and 70s u know thats a long time back. my big bro has fishing this lake since the late 70s and still is fishing. i know how the fish are. and u know wat ill tell u when my next day off is its wensday and if u guys want to follow go ahead illl be fishing with my dad. catching fish.

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