fishing lake wilson with small kids from a boat

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fishing lake wilson with small kids from a boat

Postby DBL'D » Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:18 pm

i have fished the lake 5 times my self. i know how to deal with kids fishing in my boat but not there. how do i get them to have the fun i know is there
do i fish with live worms on floters ,live bait on floters,where do i go ?
they have safyt equp. i have cell, vhf, first aid . one more adult than child i think we will be safe i just want her to feel the joy of fishing.
we are going out mon morning 1130am gray boston whaler w/t a t-top
if you dont reply online but see us on the water please slide up and give us the good word
thank you dallas dunn

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:13 pm

I'll be out there too... We're fishing from 8 to 12. I'll see you around noon or so. I'm taking live bait and spinning rods. I just picked up 50 medium size feeder fish at Moanalua Pets over in Stadium Mall (Ice Palace). $10.

Just about every thing will eat small live bait. Red devils, catfish, bass, everything.

You didn't mention the age and fishing experience of the kids. I would try pulling up on the point just east of Boy Scout Island. By that shallow saddle that runs from the island to the grassy point by the sewage plant.

The peacock bass have been active right there at the saddle. If you used live bait with a small hook (#10 AH hook is what I use) and toss it out into the deep water you should hook something.

Another place to try is my fish feeder. It's a 5 gallon bucket hanging from a tree out over the water... it 's accross the lake from the boat ramp and to the left (up stream). I've caught peacock bass, red devils and catfish there using live bait.

If you've done any saltwater fishing with spinning tackle... A glitter strip rig or artifical lures will work for peacock bass. Again it depends a lot on the kids casting skills.

Just remember that kids don't care what they catch or how big. They also have a short attention span. Take plenty of snacks and juice. LOL

Don't be surprised if they loose interest quickly even if your catching fish. They would probably just enjoy a boat ride up the north fork to the end of the lake. Quit while they are still having fun.

As I said, I think we wrap up around 12 and I'll see how your geting along when I see you.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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keiki fishing on the lake

Postby DBL'D » Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:59 pm

wow thanks the kids are six and five. nuuanu blue gill was the only other fishing experience. the saddle sounds right on track. ya its should be a short day for her on mon and then ill bring her and her friend back on tue. i get my feeders in kalihi. they are cost alot more than the ones at stadium mall. the big feeders are 8 for four dollars. i will stick to live bait and lots of snacks. we are going to go upriver and look for turtles for her after we catch some fish at the saddle or the point. thanks again, teaching kids to fish is the future of our sport. i thought there would have been more support.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:47 pm

I guess you and I are the the only ones crazy enough to take a bunch of little kids fishing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I started taking my kids fishing as soon as they could walk. Had them in the water and swimming before they could walk.

Being an adult leader with the Boy Scouts for over 17 years gave me lots of experience and some good training for working with youths..... There is nothing like the smile on a kids face when they catch their first fish....

Don't forget your camera.

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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fishing with kids

Postby DBL'D » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:42 pm

we are blessed with this calm safe and productive area to fish. i got her first spinner which i will give to her after she catches a peacock bass on her dora fishing pole. she is going to be thrilled and this continues a tradition my father used with me. each step toward bigger fish led me into the fishing world.i have to give these kids a start. someday it will lead to her fishing for marlin offshore of these great hawaiian islands. then she can take her kids to the fishery that started it all and remember and share the love of big and small gamefish for sport. did they have any fish left at the staduum mall shop?and what about dropping the live bait down deep like one would do with nabeta or weke outside of the reef. do you think the bigger fish are down there or is it only catfish.
again thanks stan you are really helpful and your service to fresh water fishing is very important. i remember the oldest lets go fishing when it was sponsered by oly and the fish were all over the place thank you stanley dallas dunn

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kahuna bass
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Postby kahuna bass » Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:58 pm


Kids Fishing - Start'em young, you can't go wrong.

Some of my best days fishing, was catching a few, but fishing with my girls made it "priceless". :D

Now, when they start "outfishing you", than it's all good :lol:

Bass regards, Mel "Kahuna Bass"
If you ain't fish'n, you ain't have'n fun...Got fish!

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