Clear lake fish report (a little late)

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:07 pm

Once or twice a year the whole community gets together and does a lake clean up. Last year we filled about 3 big Army trucks with trash.

The problem is that people toss their litter into the road that runs along the south and west side of the lake. The rain washes it right into the gutters and right into the lake.
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Postby Lrry93 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:10 pm

No, the problem is the homless community that throws all there trash on the shores and lake and a city that is scared to send them packing somewhere else! I think we should fix that problem before we do a big cleanup or it will all be in vain. I am more then willing to go foward with kicking them out. They live right next to a no trespassing Goverment property sign that says they will prosecute.

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Postby FishinFrenzy » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:13 pm

The rubbish clean-up does sound like a great idea so count me in and I also think the homeless contribute to it to a certain extent but I don't think the majority of the rubbish comes from them. For instance, Monday I put my float tube in where I normally do when I spotted a green blanket covering something in the tall Cali grass along the water's edge. At first I thought it someone sleeping, then I freaked myself out thinking it was a dumped body or something. I cautiously pulled back the blanket to find a stripped down street bike someone defintely stole(the heavy lock was still attached), took off what they wanted by the big trees (roadside across from Boy Scout Island), and dumped the bike almost in the water. All the parts they didn't want, including battery, were strewn all over the bank. I reported it to the police and hopefully it will be removed before the water rises and submerges it. It pisses me off and saddens me to see people throw opala all over this beautiful island. :x :( By the way, fishing was kind of crappy.

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Postby skunked » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:29 am

Lrry93 wrote:No, the problem is the homless community. They live right next to a no trespassing Goverment property sign that says they will prosecute.

Oh, you noticed that too!? I think it is so ridiculous having a whole community of people right next to that sign and no one does anything about it. I even see cars parked right there on the shoulder of the road sometimes. A lot of people aren't doing their jobs in this state/city.
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Postby FishinFrenzy » Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:29 pm

I definitely agree with Skunked. The state doesn't seem to really care about much of anything; or if they do, we don't see the results. It's no wonder this island is in the shape that it's in. :cry:

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