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bass level
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Postby drcray » Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:40 pm

Wondering if anyone knows if res #4 is still holding cats? I know its off limits, but I have been there a few times without fishing rods and haven't seen anyone regulating the area. Not saying Im gonna fish there. Just wondering if anyone has since the closed it?

bass level
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Postby asianmanofmystery » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:36 pm

Prior to Nuuanu #4 closing its fishing program I went to every opening for about 10 years. I would bet the farm that there are all the channel catfish in the world in there today. Probably very good sized now that the reservoir is closed to fishing and they went back to natural forage vs. stocking and feeders. The catfish will be the apex species in the reservoir with lots of smaller fish (tilapia, medaka, etc.) for food.

By the way, there are surveillance cameras on the tower that monitor that area because kids were going in there and jumping from the tower into the reservoir - a really bad idea. Not sure if the cameras also point out in the direction of the reservoir and monitor that area...or if anyone is watching the camera footage on a Friday holiday. Not saying that I would fish there either but now you have me thinking about it. :twisted:

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Postby drcray » Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:32 pm

Judge the following account at your own digression.

SWIM (someone who isn't myself) [or is it?] may or may not have dropped a couple lines a few weeks ago, maybe last year actually, could have been yesterday too, but we'll settle on it happening in 2014...

Not saying yes not saying no to any trolls out there (this means you Dee-el-en-arrr/ mythical warden guy) because this is an account of SWIM, not me, remember...

They may have used some nice dead baits (may have used catfood/dogfood for chum, hot dogs, maybe some dead mullet (awa awa), and maybe some old ika), and may or may not have landed any catfish.

They may have tried the whole parameter of the lake before maybe settling on the easiest and least obvious spot. Which might be 100 yards to the left of a certain tower... maybe but idk because this is SWIM's story. They maybe wondering if the south end of the lake is currently the only end that can be land base fished, as they may have reported pretty low water levels and "amazonian flood plain" like conditions around the majority of the parameter. Maybe not though. They may have also noted the lake seemed shallow in general.

SWIM was wondering what the bottom of the lake looked like. When SWIM might have been fishing he may have noticed some of his rigs where hitting the bottom and snagging. He may have notice what felt like a big fish take a rig under a log and snap it, but then again he might not have been fishing after all.

SWIM is looking for people to tell him that this isn't a good idea, because SWIM might not have been fishing in the first place. SWIM may also appreciate that this doesn't attract any unnecessary attention. After all, if SWIM was fishing, he was taking one for the team, like a frickin recon scout or something, so just respect the fact that there are people so tantalized by catching fish, they may or may not break "laws. (which are stupid anyways because why would anyone eat a catfish for gnarly hawaiian waters)

I would also like to reiterate this is SWIM's story, not mine. I'm asking questions for SWIM, if you have some valid answers please share, if not beat it.

As far as questions I (Dr. Cray) have:

Does anyone ever catch fish in the other two reservoirs (the legal ones) haha

Also is their a reservoir number 1? All I see is 2,3,4...

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:36 pm

I know nothing. Nothing.

Besides, I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby drcray » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:45 pm

:twisted: That's the story I'm sticking with.

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