Tenkara Morning

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Tenkara Morning

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:32 pm


I headed over to Kemoo Island to test some new flys and just play around with little tiny fish today. The baby peacock bass were everywhere. It was a hook up on almost every cast.

I also caught a "bucket full" of these 5-bar generals. Guys love them as live bait for large peacock bass. But I was just fishing for fun.



These Red Devils put a nice bend in the rod.

I saw Opy on the point fishing with live bait so I went over to "talk story". They were hooking into a fish as quickly as the little minnow hit the water.
Seems that the more boats on the point and the more people fishing... the faster the action. We could see several fish following each hooked fish as it was reeled into the boat. Grabbing my Tenkara rod, I tied a small white streamer fly to the 4# test and cast it at one of the other guys hooked fish.
(I have no shame) Instant hook up. This was a nice size fish and I ended up asking Opy for some help. He was nice enough to come over and net my fish.

It's hard to believe a fish this big would eat such a small fly.

I figured I'd pressed my luck and taxed my Tenkara rod enough for one day... but then I saw this really nice peacock bass following another hooked fish and I just couldn't help myself. Cast... twitch-twitch... BAM... hook up...
I figured the 4# teat leader would break at any second. With no reel there is no drag, only the soft flex of the rod cushioned the line and kept it from parting. That and the "skill" of the angler... boy, was I in trouble.

Everything held together and the fish finally slipped into the net. Pure luck.
Those Tenkara rods sure are fun aren't they.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

bass level
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:49 pm

Postby WET » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:14 pm

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