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Stan Wright
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Are we having fun yet... or what?

Postby Stan Wright » Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:26 pm

With the cold front passing through last night, cold temperatures and rain... I wasn't expecting much action today.
Then within 5 minutes, Jordan caught this little guy...

This is one of several nice blue gill we caught.

The Red Devils were out and about putting a nice bend in the rods.

The purple "Cap Spider" was the fly of choice.

A break for lunch at Kemoo Farm... The Lake Side Pub.
Fish & Chips (lightly battered mahimahi and great frys)

The "All American Cheese Burger" and onion rings... Sooooo Good!

Leaving Kemoo, we spotted schooling fish across from Blue Boat Pt..... Jordan tagged into one with a popping bug.

Surprise, it's a 2 pound Largemouth Bass.

My flyrod was tangled when the fish started busting right beside the boat so I grabbed a spinning rod... this 2 1/2 pound peacock hit the Senko right beside the boat... just as I was lifting the lure out of the water to make the next cast... SPLASH!
Great ending to super day... another RD for Jordan...
Last edited by Stan Wright on Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ken » Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:18 am

Looks fun Stan!

I heard rumbling that Phong and Nicky are headed back to Oahu for another vacation. Have they spoken to you yet?
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Postby Filthyfisherman » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:53 am

Hey,,, Can you beach the boat and walk up to Kemmoo farms from the lake? Don't know how many times I 've thought about doing this... Get hungry out there some times. And are you throwing the RD on the bank? or taking them home? I have been taking them out bring them home with me for study's and fertalizer... The most intresting study I have found is flushing their stomach's with water and seeing what they spit out.... UNfortunately, we did this expirament with bass and the Bass had nothing in there stomachs.. I flushed the first Red Devil I brought home and flushed his stomach,,, FULL, shad, and other crap..... NOT GOOD.... Prof the RD's are eating the Bass Food!!!!! Or at least eating better then the Bass!!!!!!

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Postby Ahnkochee » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:53 am

Man that is one awesome slab sided Bluegill! :shock:
I used to catch big'uns like that on the south fork but haven't fished there in 15 years. I have a 3wt flyrod which would be fun with the Blues & Reds.
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