Mon. & Tues. Fishing

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Mon. & Tues. Fishing

Postby Stan Wright » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:06 pm

On Monday, peacock bass were schooling like crazy between Kunia Pt & Boy Scout Island. I just realized I was taking all the fish pictures with other peoples cameras.... if they email me some pictures I'll add them later. Now, you'll just have to deal with my shots on a cheep little camera I keep in my tackle box.
This is looking north toward the Sewage Plant. That log on the far right of the picture is Kunea Pt.. There were 2 more boats behind me.

It was mostly overcast. Water temperature got up to 74 degrees in the afternoon.

When I arrived at 8:15 there were already 4 boats tucked into the lee of Kunia Pt.... all of them catching fish.

Gold CastMasters (1/4 oz) seemed to be the charm lure. I also saw people using crank baits or swim baits. We were fly fishing and got most of our fish on a small gold Crazy Charlie or a kind of flashy purple thing. All and all it was a fun day of fishing.

Tuesday morning..... it was still overcast with a slight drizzle from time to time. Water temperature remained at 72 degrees. The peacock bass were still schooling.... from The County Yard... all the way down to the Main Basin. Good fun.
The point accross from Maconic Lodge. Fish were busting everywhere.

We used spinning rods...... for lures.... small gold, and silver/blue castmasters, small Senkso, and crank baits. I figure we averaged 4 to 6 fish per person. Size was from 1 1/2 to 2 pounds.
The only fish picture taken with my camera... a frisky 2 pounder.
Last edited by Stan Wright on Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:35 pm

After I saw you Mon afternoon, I went on the south side of Boyscout Is. The fish started busting all around me! One ripped a minnow off my trolling pole. I got one strike casting right onto a bust. I'm sure an experienced angler would have hit the gold mine! I was using the gold castmaster and the wife was "manning" the live bait poles.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:01 pm

All morning I was watching those guys fishing with live bait from shore... I didn't see them catch one single fish. Several times the peacock bass were busting the surface and chasing shad right in among their bobbers.

I don't know how in the wide, wide, world of sports they didn't catch anything.

Will be fishing with little kids on Fri., so I'm going to try using live bait.
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Postby Pegasus » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:10 pm

Glad to talk to you and Chris this morning at the ramp. Sure looked like a great day to be out on the lake ! I will try to post that pic of my 6# tuc. I showed you guys. May take my kayak out for a few hours tomorrow morning. Looking for the schools !

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:22 pm

Pegasus wrote: I will try to post that pic of my 6# tuc. !

I'd like to see that one to. What did ya catch him on? # test line? Lure?

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Postby Pegasus » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:32 pm

Sorry I havent had time to mess with downloading the picture from my phone to my computer. The story on my six pound tuc is this. I fish from my scupper pro kayak. I was using 8 lb test after I lost a few nice fish on my 6 lb test. For bait I was using a small, maybe 2 inch talapia. Caught him on Sun. 1/25/09 at around 2pm. There was a guy on his kayak named Matt I think who launched at the same time I did. I shared a few talapia and a some hooks so he could try it. He came over and took my picture for me from his kayak. Got a little of his finger in the picture. Also caught a 3lb cat same day. When I went out on wed 18th, caught two small tucs near the ramp and decided to see how far it is to the end of the south fork. So I paddled and fished all the way to the stream at the end. No luck. No schools/ no action. Oh well, nice morning for some exercise.

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New member and heading out this afternoon

Postby pisces » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:53 am

Hi Folks,

I'm relatively new to fishing Lake Wilson and I just joined the forum. I've only been out 3 times on a new green 11'6" kayak I got around Thanksgiving '08. I usually use an ultra-light spincast rod with spinners but I'll bring a fly rod today too. I've only caught a handful tucs when they were hitting the surface hard. I've caught a few red devils too but nothing particularly noteworthy.

I've met a couple of really nice people out there (Eric and Pegasus) although I don't think I've met Stan yet. If you see me out there, I'm always open to pointers and suggestions to help me learn, so swing by and introduce yourself if you'd like.

I'm the guy who Pegasus said got my finger in the picture of the monster Tuc that he caught a few weeks ago and mentioned in this post. Hopefully he can get the picture posted from his phone because it was a beauty.

I'm going out this afternoon and will share any newsworthy posts if they happen for me.

Straight lines to all. :wink:

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:30 pm

Welcome to the forum..... everyone here is happy to help out if you have questions.

Just today I talked to a guy who reads our forum ( Yes, I look at it as OUR forum ) and he said it was much more polite than many he's visited....

Pat yourselves on the back everyone... :D :D :D
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:39 pm

Woo Hoo !!!!!

<does a happy dance>

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