090110 Nu'uanu Stream

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090110 Nu'uanu Stream

Postby JChen » Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:56 pm

The SMB weren't as active as they usually are. Water levels are a little high still. Water was definitely moving faster than usual. Between me and two friends we caught and landed 3, one each. Two were caught on a Senko on a 1/16oz jig-head and the third on a #10 wooly bugger. All three were in the 6-7in range

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Postby boneless » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:39 am

I haven't been on the stream since the big rains but even before, it seemed like things had slowed. The last 2 time I went the big pools where I would usually expect 5-10 strikes were producing 1 or none. It had me wondering if someone was keeping fish. Glad you got a few.
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Postby JChen » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:56 am

They can get very wary of the surroundings depending on which ever sections you fish, just like trout. Even before the big rains, I was still catching more than 20 in a days fishing. If people are keeping them, I can only imagine it'll be below the channelized section. I wouldn't keep those fish for food if you paid me a mil

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Carolina Bassin
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Postby Carolina Bassin » Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:32 pm

Where on the lake are the Smallmouth? I would love to catch one. Is it a foot location or can a boat get to it?
Carolina Bassin

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Postby JChen » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:36 pm

I've heard some have been known to hang in the streams that feed the lake in the North Fork and South Fork. I have not personally caught smallies in the lake or even the streams themselves. All the smallies I've caught are from wet wading Oahu's numerous streams, skunked on many of those as well, and still a lot I have yet to even set foot in. Where I really want to go is kauai and fish the wailua before my term is up here

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