"All Quiet On The Fishing Front"

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

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"All Quiet On The Fishing Front"

Postby FishinFrenzy » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:15 pm

Boy, the Fishing Reports section has been pretty quiet these days. That either means everyone is too busy to fish, they aren't catching anything, OR...they are TOO busy catching them to post a report. :lol: So which one is it? I haven't been on the lake for 2 weeks :cry: so I'm curious if anyone has been having any luck? Does anyone have an update on the spawn?

"A bad day of fishin is better than ANY day at work"

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:03 pm

It's been a "quality", not a "quantity" type of week. Not many numbers, but the ones we caught were nice ones.

The water level came up a little, It's at the 75 foot mark, just 5 feet below the spillway. The state isn't releasing water at the moment. Water temperature all weekend was 75 - 76 degrees. Today it was 77.

Peacock bass are spawning here and there. Not the big numbers we found all over the place in years past. Spawn might not be in full swing yet. Water clarity wasn't too good today. Just a foot or so. That didn't help in locating spawners. Water testing showed NO dissolved oxygen below 12 or 13 feet. I checked on the fish finder and everything... shad and tukes..... were not below 12 feet... interesting.

Seeing a few fish along the shore, but they only follow a lure, or just slide off into the deeper water. Saw a few fish chasing shad just past Cow Point. They didn't stay up on the surface but a few seconds, and they were scattered.

The health dept got the test results back from the fish we caught. Now all they have to do is compile all the information into an understandable form. :D (At the moment everyone in the state health dept is over on the Big Island trying to deal with the volcano. ) Mike sent a picture of the VOG in Hilo and it's bad.
Sunrise over Hilo....


Being on the lake today doing water testing was sure nice compared to staying home helping to get ready for the garage sale. :D :D :D
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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