Fishing Rack for Jetski's

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Fishing Rack for Jetski's

Postby metafizx » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:11 pm


my friend has a company that makes specialty racks for jetski's and I thought some of you guys would like to know about it.
convert your jetski / watercraft into a compact fishing vessel !! :D

your comments would be welcome...

kiwiski rack it's called. handbuilt in Kaneohe, Hawaii !!
made of marine stainless steel.

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Postby hitoshe » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:54 am

my own opinion - i wouldn't want jetskis in the lake. very noisy, and i'm sure their wake is as disruptive to shore fishermen as boats are. most boat jockies are considerate and slow down when they see fishermen on the shoreline, but not all. again, just my opinion.

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Postby metafizx » Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:33 am

hitoshe wrote:my own opinion - i wouldn't want jetskis in the lake. very noisy, and i'm sure their wake is as disruptive to shore fishermen as boats are. most boat jockies are considerate and slow down when they see fishermen on the shoreline, but not all. again, just my opinion.

good point.

I think anyone that plans to use a jetski for fishing would be careful anyway, not to scare away the catch !! :wink:

Also I would hope that the operator of the "fishing" jetski would be considerate to shore fishermen, and certainly to other craft on the water.

Using a jetski for fishing is a special application, perhaps for a person who can't own a boat.

If the jetski was a 4 stroke engine, they are a lot quieter, and more suitable anyway.

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Postby Ken » Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:24 pm

I went trolling out of Haleiwa back in May and saw someone in a jetski 10 miles out at a FAD picking up aku. I'm sure the rack will be popular...but I do wonder if it is worth your life fishing so far from shore in rough seas on a jetski. :? However, it would be perfect trolling just offshore for papio and kaku. :D

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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:26 am

After looking at the pictures.... all that thing needs is an electric trowling motor. LOL I could see it used by guys to travel to the flats or sandbar and then wading. Don't know the cost of a jet ski, but it looks like it doesn't take up as much space as a kayak or a bass boat.

If your fishing from a jet ski, you have to go slow. I've never seen one on the lake. Sounds like it's more for trowling in saltwater, than in the lake. Not many of us do any trowling in freshwater. I bet it's a lot easier than fishing from a kayak LOL But then I'm lazy in my old age.

When I fished with the Kayak, I liked to go with other people in case one of us got into trouble. That life jacket came in real handy once when the surf came up.

Sounds like the fishing rack is just what the doctor ordered for the jet skier who likes to fish.

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Postby Bozu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:51 am

About 5 years ago I was at the boat ramp when a DLNR game warden showed up and cited 2 jetskiers for operating their "personal watercraft" on the lake. Apparently, the officer was crossing the bridge in his vehicle when he saw or heard the jetskis just about to go under the bridge. He jumped out of his truck and yelled down to them to get back to the boat launch ramp. The two must have taken their time because the DOCARE officer was pretty hot under the collar by the time the 2 skis returned.

I don't think these guys were fishing. Not sure if the lake rules allow a jetski to be used as fishing platform. I wouldn't chance it, not after seeing what happened to those two guys. I heard they got a pretty hefty fine.

Ditto on the boat speed. Thank you to all you boaters who observe the
5mph No Wake speed, especially when passing us shorline guys. Your courtesy is much appreciated. Auwe (yikes) to the boaters who don't observe the lake's speed rules. Shoreline anglers have only a limited number of spots to fish from, especially during high water level periods like now. Please slow down. Mahalo


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Postby skunked » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:55 am

Bozu wrote:

Ditto on the boat speed. Thank you to all you boaters who observe the
5mph No Wake speed, especially when passing us shorline guys. Your courtesy is much appreciated. Auwe (yikes) to the boaters who don't observe the lake's speed rules. Shoreline anglers have only a limited number of spots to fish from, especially during high water level periods like now. Please slow down. Mahalo


I agree. Most of the boaters have no respect or consideration for the shore fishermen/women. Only Stan and a few others slow down for us. To those of you who slow down....Thank you very much.
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Postby Lrry93 » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:16 pm

The sign at the ramp says no jet skis or water skiing. I wonder what they did to the two guys? The 5mph rule is uncalled for if you ak me. It makes no sense to go that slow. I wont slow down to an idle roll unless I am within a range that the wake will affect the people on the other boat. Letting off the throttle can throw a bigger wake to their boat then staying on it. Alot of boaters also go flying by boats while they are fishing, not just the shore guys. Its good for testing my balance. It doesnt effect the fishing. I have caught fish while rocking from the wake. If you guys get upset by people going fast on Wilson then you would go crazy in the mainland when guys fly by at 60mph while your fishing.

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Postby Bozu » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:34 am

I understand that keeping a boat on plane in some cases creates less of a wake than to throttle down. However the 5mph No wake rule was set up to avoid bank errosion as much as safety for the shoreline fishermen and other boaters.

The speed debate comes up every so many years. As a lifelong angler on this lake, I can tell by experience that it ultimately leads to the DOCARE officers showing up more often and checking everybody for compliance. Enforcement will sit out on the water all day and wait for someone to come flying around a corner and bingo your day is done.
Plus you better make sure you have all your required safety equipment on board.

Believe me its no fun for anyone. Shoreline anglers get checked out too so make sure you have your fishing license and PFD (Personal floatation device.)

It's a small narrow lake and we all need to remember to show each other respect and courtesy.


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Postby hitoshe » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:36 am

i think bozu said it all.

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