HFFA Tournament

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HFFA Tournament

Postby shanai » Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:19 pm

HFFA tournament today - windy, mostly overcast, occasional rain, periodic sun, more rain, more wind. It was this kind of day and it made fishing a little tough. 18 members fished the tournament, the most in a long time.

Today was the Turkey shoot tournament with cash prizes awarded for the largest and smallest legal size fish (10 inches long ). Big fish was a 4.4 pound Tuc with small fish honors going to a 10 oz LMB.
Three tagged fish were among the fish caught by club members. Sorry - did not record lengths for the fish. ( Will try to do a better job of keeping accurate records the next time ).

# 4230 1lb 4oz Basin
# 4290 1lb 5oz Dam
# 4858 1lb 7oz North near bridge

Steve :D

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:45 pm

Its great to see the club growing. There are several new members. They have proven you don't need a big fancy boat to come out, be competative, and have fun. I encourage all fishermen to come to a HFFA meeting and check it out. I delayed joining the HFFA saying that I fished to relax and wouldn't enjoy competative fishing. Since I joined, I've learned, it ain't just about the fishing, the fellowship amongst our fishing bretheren is really what its all about. 8)
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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HFFA Tournament

Postby shanai » Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:42 am

I second the comments made by roadwarriorsvt. I've been a HFFA member going on my second year and have learned a lot from my fellow anglers and have made many new friends.

By the way, the 4.4 Tuc takes over as the largest Tuc for 2011 edging out the previous leader by an ounce. The largest bass for the year stands at a whopping 7 pounds !!! One more tournament to go before these results become final for the year.

Here's a picture of the 7 lb bass https://sites.google.com/site/hffa808/

steve :o

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