old school

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old school

Postby BASSTRACKER » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:07 pm

sunday,lots boats was 6 in line to launch at 7 am. trolling tournament i guess from the look of it. didn't really seem crowded out on the water though. was hoping the colder nights would be helping the fish be more active but the air/water temp was still way hot and the water dropping I'm sure isn't helping, i was hoping it would stay at 72 but i guess dole has other plans.anyway as usual i got a pattern going around 2pm wasn't the best but it was old school. black berkley power worm worked slllowwww. tried a lot of other baits seemed the slim profile with the big ribbon tail was the way to go, there was a certain type of structure that was money but there wasn't a lot of it so the pattern wasn't really on fire still got 7 bass and lost 2 all in the 1.5lb range, of course the 2 that were lost were 7-8lbs :wink: also caught 2 monster red devils that weighed over a lb both on the black worm. didn't know red devil would take a worm, kinda weird. i know a lot of talk bout spot burn and there are alot more boats out and a lot more fisherman. its a very small lake but take heart one boat trolled around kemoo island 4 times then took off up north, i came in found the spot i needed made 2 cast with ma worm and got a nice bass. sometimes its the knowing more than the spot, course bbp is an oddity of nature and it DEFINATELY the spot!! hahaha

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