Stats form the Past

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Stats form the Past

Postby shanai » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:39 pm


I got hold of some old tournament fishing journals from the HFFA fishing club and was looking over the tournament summaries from 1992 to the late 1990's. It was interesting reading and here's a sample from late 1992 through 1993. Even back then Kelton was finding and catching the big ones.

Sep-92 80 stained full pool 19 fish 2.03 avg big fish caught up North on a jig & pig. Most fish caught on point or curve before point - fish shallow in am deep in p.m. -30-40 ft

Oct-92 79 clear 8' down 31 fish 2.07 avg cloudy & rainy most of day - fish caught on slider, early a.m. on points. Weedy points in p.m. that were windblown 8-10 ft dropping spinnerbaits & jigs

Nov-92 77 stained 7' down 7 - biggest fish caught at crazy man's point up North on a jig @ 3:30 p.m. turkey tournament ( 4lb 14oz) - fish were biting late p.m.

Nov-92 75 clear 7" down 19 fish 2.03 avg most fish caught between 10-noon - large fish caught in South fork at 10:30 am pitching jigs in grass. Fish caught North on worms and steep bluffs 20'

Dec-92 74 clear full pool 29 fish 3.08 avg overcast-drizzle -most fish caught kincade bank. Fish holding on timber next to grass suspended using jigs on edge of grass with some timber next of below - jig color Black/Blue w/ hales claw black rubber trailer. Also fish caught using worms ribbed 4"

TOC 1st day 68 orange from Kemo to South - full pool 15 fish avg 3.07 large fish 4.6 bass - no tucs caught - most fish caught using rattle traps & jigs in grass - fish caught on weedy pts & pts adj from flats. Most caught using rattle traps. Jigs used on weedy pts. Fish also caught on top of deep water trees w. rattletraps

TOC 2nd day 68 orange from Kemo to S -stained as day before full pool 9 2.03 overcast & windy(rained the night before) - fish not in same location large fish 4lb7.5oz caught on a rattletrap. Up North fish caught on jigs - miki flats 8" of water adj to deep water holding on light grass away from main grass.

Jan-93 68 muddy full pool 27 Fish caught on edge of grass on black jigs - on bank opposite from Dale's tree near point edge of grass. Big fish caught with a spinner bait slow rolling doen a grass bank ( chartreuse color )

Feb-93 70 clear 5' down 5 sunny & windy - large fish was 2.9.5 lb Tuc - caught on a spoon south down from Volkswagen pt right shore. Other fish caught using small spinner baits

Mar-93 76 clear 20' down 3 cloudy - large fish 2.7.5 - fishing was hard - 3 fish - 11 anglers

Apr-93 76 stained up South 24' down 17 partly cloudy - fish caught early w/ spinner baits. Slow rolling in trees special clear N chart crankbait worked well all day - throwing across tips of trees. Tourney biggest fish caught on a firetiger bomber. Fat A firetiger and crawfish-red also caught fish - water really low - most fish caught up by kincades - bank right side - last big trees in water before bank.

Apr-93 78 stained 22' down 37 2.06 clear & sunny - large fish 5.2 lb caught by deep jigging. Crankbaits on trees in the upper part of kincade - was all day affair

May-93 79 slightly stained 12' down 29 2.04 Overcast. - Most fish caught up North, Kincaide and above using stained slow rolling spinnerbaits down tree tops, running crankbaits over the tree tops. - most fish caught late afternoon 1-3 pm. One fish caught on saddle - water was 8' over saddle

Jun-93 clear 10' down 33 2.03 Overcast - rain off & on. Most fish caught up north kincaide andabove using crankbaits. DB3 Tiger color - fishing deep timber vertical to shore. Fish also caught with worms on points & deep bluffs with no timber

Jul-93 stained 18' down 23 2.02 Sunny & hot. - Most fish caught on crankbaits over wood. worms worked in early am fishing tree tops deep Junebug 4"rib worked well

Jul-93 89 stained 25' down 21 2.05 Rainy until 10 then sunny. - Fish caught on crankbaits only diff was color - DB-3 shad pattern

Aug-93 dark full pool 14 3.01 special night tournament - most fish caught before midnight
except for few fish caught up North just prior to or after daylight fish caught using mostly worms. 2 lunker fish caught ( 5lb+)

Aug-93 80 stained full pool 10 2.1 cloudy. - tough tournament - fish were really in a inactive state two anglers caught their limits ( Kelton & Mark ) 4 anglers caught one fish and everyone else was a zero.

Sep-93 90 stained 2' down 0 0 hot & sunny - Special Tournament - no fish caught

Sep-93 82 clear to stain6' down 9 2.07 hot & sunny - another tough day - 14 anglers only nine fish big fish 3.1 lb ( Kelton )

Oct-93 77 clear to muddy 13' down 15 2.13 Clear and windy. - Most fish caught in or off trees. Wind kicked up around 9 am and made it tough to fish. Large fish 5.3 caught on a
swimming jig

Nov-93 77 stained 12' down 3 2 Only three fish caught among 10 anglers - fish caught using either a jig or worm - Special Turkey shoot tournament

Nov-93 77 clear to stained 13' down 11 3.03 partly sunny - Most fish caught on the South fork - North was very clear in the basin area - most fish caught using worms and jigs

Dec-93 72 clear to stained 3' down 14 2.1 cloudy & rainy - pretty miserable day - rained most of the day stained most fish were shallow, 10 ' or less with the water up, most fish were in the grass or near it. Some fish caught near drains feeding into lake. Swimming jigs worked well along with worms.

A pdf version of this summary can be found on the HFFA website under the HFFA News section.

Some of you more adept fishermen could probably filter through this data and see some patterns from way back when and how it might fit into fishing the Lake today.

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:52 pm

wow that brings back some memories! crazy man point hahaha never called it that but i know exactly where it is!! havent fished there in a long long time!! last time i fished there we had someone shooting softball sized rocks at us with some kinda slingshot or something was pretty wild. that was a long time ago. seems to hold to the larger fish back then theory too. i recall catching much bigger fish on outings,maybe less fish but always bigger.and the north and south forks were always the best places to head not the main how things have changed.

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stats from the past

Postby shanai » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:22 pm

Yes, it was interesting that some of the names that was used backed then are a little different from today. ( ie: crazy man's point and volkswagen point) It would be interesting to know how all the places on Lake Wilson got their respective names and the stories behind how it got it's name. Maybe an old timer will come forward and give a history on the names of the various places.

Curious that more fishing was done in the South forks back then, seems like hardly anyone ventures South anymore, wonder what might have changed.

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south fork

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:03 pm

Two changes occurred that I can think of. One, was the introduction of those exotic fishes. They really reduced the tilapia population. Two, they extended the sewer outfall underwater. Back in the day, the south fork had huge schools of tilapia, especially by the wahiawa stp. The school looked like a living island. A lot of large bass were caught by the outfall.

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Re: south fork

Postby Crash » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:50 pm

OO7:BASSINASSASSIN wrote:Back in the day, the south fork had huge schools of tilapia, especially by the wahiawa stp. The school looked like a living island. A lot of large bass were caught by the outfall.

I totally remember that :D ...... it was like a land mass of Tilaps, all on the surface.

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Postby Ahnkochee » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:26 am

That was my favorite place to troll for bass- around the perimeter of that huge huge tilapia ball using a gold Rattlin Rap.
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