Manhole Cover Mania

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Manhole Cover Mania

Postby Stan Wright » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:01 pm

What's up with the pretty designs on manhole covers in Japan?

It all started in the 1980s... To raise acceptance of costly public works, sewers being mostly underground and largely underappreciated, Yasutake Kameda thought the one part that is visible — the manhole covers on the surface — ought to be more attractive. In particular, he encouraged cities, towns and villages around Japan to develop designs with local appeal.

A custom design only costs about 5% more than an off the rack cover.

This design is Inuyama Castle(one of 4 castles designated as Japan's national treasures) and traditional cormorant fishing on the Kist river.

This manhole cover is from Gujyo Hachman City. Must be some good fishing in the mountain streams around here.

A good design will use multi directional patterns and lines to help prevent tires from slipping during wet weather. Some cities added color to make the covers more attractive and attract tourists.

Manhole Cover Mania (one of Japans newest hobbies) is gaining more followers every day. So on your next visit to Japan, don't forget to take a snapshot of some unique art... Japan's Manhole covers.

For hundreds of pictures or Japan's manhole covers, visit this site. ... vers/pool/
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manhole covers

Postby shanai » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:46 pm


I'm going to Japan for a visit the end of this month - I'll try to remember to look at the manhole covers to see how many different ones I see. Maybe even ask one of the locals why their town/city selected that particular design.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:55 pm

How long is it gonna be before some liberal figures out that the term "manhole" is not politically correct! Hell, we can't even call the homeless "homeless" anymore,.... they're "Residentially Challenged". I thought they were making a joke the first time I heard that term! :roll:

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