Been busy (Fishing 11/21)

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Been busy (Fishing 11/21)

Postby Modest_Man » Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:34 pm

Went out last Tuesday, but haven't been aound a computer for a while. (Was backpacking on Maui till today.)

Landed a scrawny largemouth between 1-1 1/2 lbs off the boat launch with live bait. No tag on the guy, but he didn't look good. Very sunken belly.


Also landed a nice 3-3 1/2 lb tuc off the boat launch, the pic doesn't do it justice. I have trouble holding a net and a camera at the same time I guess...and I have massive trouble holding the fish by hand. Can you say cut fingers? :P The diameter of the net is 18" and he was longer by about 4-5".


I was out for about an hour and a half...saw a few more tucs (one about 5 lbs, wouldn't go near my bait).

Next time I want to focus on red devils...I catch them on live bait, but it's more hit and miss. Same with live crayfish (I think I use ones that are too large). What should I use if I want to focus on the devils?

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:47 pm

Great catch. You need to get one of those Goga-grip things to hold the fish. It's a great way to "handle" fish without having to touch them. (you can also hold them closer to the camera when someone is taking your picture so they look bigger)


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