Frustration (what am I doin wrong)

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Frustration (what am I doin wrong)

Postby wahiawabasshunter » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:06 pm

Aight I have been kinda of shamed to post on here but enough is enough..I am the guy with the yellow P-14 and I cant catch a damm thing..I have been hittin the lake once a week for the last 4 to 5 months and have not caught 1 single Tuc..Aight what am doin wrong..I been seein the tucs all over the place and they wont hit anything I throw at them..rapella's, cranks, poppers, and a variety of lures and nothin..wanted to be able to catch without live bait so just lure fished..but out of desperation fished live bait on monday and nothin..(funny that Stans son fished morgans and blue boat with live bait and made a killin..Me fished both spots same day and NOTHIN)damm shame..Heard people are catchin with flies with the clear bobber..anyone point me in the right direction of where and what kind of flies and bobbers I should get?? I am not an ANGLER and was not raised bass fishing..I am picking up the hobbie and learnin as I go with no one to show me "how too"..SO any info is much appreciated..Mahalo
basshunter ;)

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:01 pm

I don't think your doing anything wrong...
it's been a strange spring.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:19 pm

Hey man could be anything fishings been slow you got a electric motor I know weekdays usually bite better than weekends I think its from all the boats flying up and down, I usually try to be quiet as possible if I want to fish a spot I usuaLly stop engine a bend before I want to fish than use my electric@ motor to creep up on the fish, I've seen it when I was catching tucs bustin on the top an someone comes buy with there gas motor than they stop biting untill they pass and wait 10 minutes till they start bustin again. I usually use light line 6-8lb test sometimes bites me in the _ss when a big fish bites but when there finicky I use light line. I only fish early morning or late evenings don't usually waste my time in the afternoon. As for the flys you can buy the white flys they sell in walmart pack of 6 for 2 bucks they work really well for floater fly technique or tie your own just got to match the size of bait fish nothing fancy white,yellow,silver,gold you can use the regular twister tails work well too silver or gold glitter. Good luck!

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:14 pm

Its still early for the Tucs to start hitting top water lures. Until they start busting on the shad, it'll be slow. As far as using live bait, you still have to know where and when it is effective. I fished for hours last Sat. and not a single bite on lures.

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Postby Pegasus » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:55 pm

About a month ago, I got 38 small tucs on the bubble rig. Green fly from nervous water fly shop. And the white one I made from a pipecleaner and some flash. You never know with the lake. Yesterday I caught and today I fished for a few hours and only saw one fish. He came up right beside my kayak as I reeled in my bait. Our eyes met... and he was gone. Just gotta keep trying. I crank and jerk my bubble rig as fast as I can. Good luck !

bass level
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Postby wahiawabasshunter » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:31 am

I know that the conditions affect fishing alot so I understand that part..I do not have a trolling motor..been looking like hell..what I been doin is stoppin the motor far ahead of where I wanna fish at and drift in..I am gonna try the fly bubble style on my next venture out..and maybe I will head out earlier or later in the day from now on..thanks for the imput..
basshunter ;)

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