Rare sighting

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Rare sighting

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:04 pm

I am posting this report because I saw something that I have not seen in years but first the report. I went out on the south fork today from about 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. It was cloudy with a few light showers. very humid and hot. Light wind. The water was super green. The fishing was poor. I caught one red devil. I only caught 2 tucs. One was 2 pounds and the other was about 1.75 pounds. I also caught a bass, he was about 17 inches long, healthy but on the skinny side.

Now for the unusual sighting. I saw a wild fingerling lm bass! I can not remember the last time I saw one. I saw him hunting the shoreline so I decide to catch him. I missed him twice and finally caught him on a fly. Was about 3 inches long.

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Postby skunked » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:54 pm

I saw one lone fingerling by Boy Scout Island about a year ago. I also succeeded in catching it, but on a little piece of Gulp earthworm. It was so cool looking. An exact replica of an adult bass. Not like some fish that change in appearance from baby to adult.
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Postby Boatless » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:16 pm

actually, the last time we hiked the north fork, I got a couple of 3" smallmouth. hope they make their way down to the main basin.

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:29 pm

it just shows how hardy largemouth can be, even as bad as they have had it some still spawned,always a glimmer of hope. i havent seen a fingerling since 2006 when they released 2000 of em. for a few months seemed the little guys were everywhere. tagged fish in the 6-8 inch range biting all sorts of lures. then they disappeared,hope there are more little ones growing up out there.

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