
Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

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Re: tuc master

Postby tucmaster » Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:00 pm

fisher dude wrote:How big is that tuc on the wall u got on your profile. Is that ur biggest

Sorry fisher dude - To answer your second question, it's my second largest tuc, and it was caught in a North Shore irrigation pond.

Here's a good fishing "tale". On a hot, sunny Saturday afternoon back in 2005, I was at the Lake Wikson boat ramp fishing live mollies alongside the partially submerged railing when an unseen fish picked up my bait on 6 lb. line. During the 10-minute battle, the fish stayed deep and never jumped or surfaced and I was certain that I had hooked a big channel cat. I was very surprised to end up dragging a huge tuc up onto the concrete ramp. Unfortunately, neither I nor the crowd of about 15 people that had gathered to watch the battle had a camera, so before releasing it I laid the fish down alongside my rod with the end of the rod butt next to the tip of the tail, and made a mental note of where the lower jaw tip was next to my rod. At home, I measured 24 inches from the rod butt to where the tip of the tuc's jaw was. Based on the length and the fact that the fish was not very wide, my consevative guesstimate of that one was 8 lbs. But, we'll never know for sure . . . :lol:

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