The sombrero

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The sombrero

Postby shanai » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm

In last month's HFFA fishing tournament, my fishing partner landed two of the three fish that make up the Lake Wilson Trifecta ( triple crown or grand slam ) as he had both a SMB and a LMB. When I happened to mention that he just needed a Tuc to complete the trio, I think I pressured him out as he could not catch one.

There's also the other end, catching a red devil, a tilapia and a convict cichlid. I like to think of this as the sombrero. Actually, catching these three on light line is fun especially when the big boys are not as active.
Might be fun to think of the red devil, tilapia and any of the many cichlid
species as a group. We could even add the honorable bluegill and make it a golden sombrero.

As the sombrero moniker is taken from baseball ( three strikeouts in a game ) maybe someone can come up with a better title for these collective species for Lake Wilson.

Just having fun thinking about fishing when not fishing.


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Postby Pegasus » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:48 am

The day I caught my Triple Crown, I also felt the pressure to catch a tuc. They were hard to come by. That day I also caught a red devil and a bluegill. I only needed a catfish for the Big Six. Maybe next time.

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