July 4th Forcast

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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July 4th Forcast

Postby Stan Wright » Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:41 am

Now if I was going fishing this weekend...
not saying I will, but if I was going...

First thing I would do is go by the pet store
and pick up some medium size "feeder fish".
(goldfish, Mollies) I paid $27 for 100 last week.
Seems like the cost was $16 dollars a few years ago.
(I shouldn't have told everyone... now stores
know they are popular bait and raised the prices)

I like the #10 AH style hooks. Gold or silver
doesn't seem to matter. Note how small it is?
Match the size of the hook to the size of the bait.
Too big a hook kills the action of the bait fish.
Your thinking the hook will bend or break, right?
Well, we use 4#, 6#, and 8# test line.
The line will break before the hook does.
We've landed 8# fish on these small hooks.
(we're also fishing from a boat and not worried
about the fish geting tangled in the grass or brush)
Shore fishermen will have to use heavier line,
depending where they are fishing.
I also add a "BB" size split shot a foot or so above the hook.
Gets the bait down deeper, but doesn't
kill the action of the little bait fish.

Now, where to go? Blue Boat Point has been
pretty good this last week. (I hear nice things
about Morgans Point too) Especially since the
water temperature hit 81 to 82 degrees.
Peacock bass like hot water and sunshine.
Just pull the boat up against the shore and
start fishing. Some guys beach the boat,
others just toss out an anchor or tie up to the grass.
If you get out of the boat and walk around...
you will get that red mud all over your boat.
Nasty stuff, imposable to clean out of a carpet.

You don't have to make a long cast, just get
your bait out far enough so it sinks out of site.
(when the action really gets going, just hang
your bait off the rod tip beside the boat and
watch the peacock bass come up into the
shallow water and grab it)

Mostly smaller fish hanging around the points right now.
Around one pound size.
But there are enough 1 to 2 pounders to make it fun...
especially on ultra-light spinning tackle. Then there is
always that 3 to 5 pounder that really gives you a workout.
Caught some red devils too.
They make a great picture. Beautiful fish.

When using 4# test, it's nice to have a net handy.

The most important thing is to just get out and go fishing.
Kids don't care what size fish they are catching...
especially if it's bigger than the one Dad caught.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Re: July 4th Forcast

Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:46 am

Stan Wright wrote:First thing I would do is go by the pet store
and pick up some medium size "feeder fish".
(goldfish, Mollies) I paid $27 for 100 last week.

First thing I'd do is go by Tommy's Bait Shop @ 381-7453. :lol:
$20.00 for 100. (you might even get some extra AND they don't even count the little ones)

Stan Wright wrote:I like the #10 AH style hooks.

Not a 4/0 hook rigged weedless? :lol:


Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:19 pm

I use the 4/0 worm hooks when I'm fishing with those 6 inch talapia for bait. Won't be long before the big peacock bass are pau spawning and looking for something big to eat. :D

"Come over to the Dark Side, Luke.
Use the live bait."
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"Tommy's Live bait."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby johnricherson » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:13 pm

Who needs bait?
Grag some feathers and a hook, tie them to it and start fishing!!!!!!!!! Stan I finally got back to Missouri thanks again for the wonderful trip. That is how memories are made!

John Richerson Missouri Project Healing Waters

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kahuna bass
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Postby kahuna bass » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:28 pm


Big Tuc's don't eat big baits.............only the small feeders. I would never waste my time soaking a big bait.

Heck, don't even hook the feeders, just toss them in the lake and watch them swim freely away...... :twisted: swim little gold fish, swim....

Mel - Big Kahuna----PETA lover :lol:
"Hey Stan, where's the bento box?"
If you ain't fish'n, you ain't have'n fun...Got fish!

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:27 am

Where is what?... Who?... Nemo?????
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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