Saturday fishing

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Saturday fishing

Postby BASSTRACKER » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:09 pm

cold,wet,windy.but worth the effort!morning started slow seeing as i havent been on the lake since the big rain i didnt have any idea what/where to fish.

worked my way in and around a few small coves but no luck,finally made my way to boyscout island and found a few small busts.they started becoming more frequent so i moved over to em and started throwing a xps 4" swimbait shad color.

no matter how big the the bust was either a few small plops or 30ft wide,i had no luck hooking up.funny id drag that thing right thrue untouched! But if i kept fan casting the area persistantly "BAM" hook ups every time.and quality fish too not the 1lb runts but 2-3 lb fish drag pulling and all!! took alot of casts but after an hour i had 8 tucs all over 2lbs.

had to really burn that swimbait too , if it wasnt waking the surface then no intrest but that heart stopping wake making for my wake was more than enough to make up for the cold rain and wind.

guess my bait was too diffrent from the 2" shad and only intrested em when it was alone and seemingly sure with a smaller more shad like lure id have really done better but i liked the swimbait and the bigger fish it was getting me.

moved on after it slowed and fished into north fork caught some red devils, huge bull males with the bump,spawn must be coming up.

and 4 largemouth,never did pattern the bass.caught one shallow one deep one on a point and one on a tree. they seemed scattered but all were very chunky little footballs,my biggest made 3 lbs very nice to see the bass doin well.had a nice one with a tag but went to belly land him and he threw the hook and slipped back into the water.

all in all a GREAT day of fishing! weather and all.

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