Time for bag limits

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Stan Wright
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Time for bag limits

Postby Stan Wright » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:04 am

This is a letter printed in the Kauai Guarden Isle News. I realize it's about saltwater fish, but it's something we've been trying to do for over 40 years.

Time for bag limits

If you are a fisherman, when was the last time you caught an abundance of kumu, moana kali, munu or uhu?

Do you remember the spots you used to see or catch a lot of these fish as you dove or fished the reefs around our island?

Sadly, as a recreational spearfisherman here on Maui, I now see most of these fish only in the various fish markets; even the Maui Ocean Center does not seem to have a viable population of these fish.

These popular fish are swimming with crosshairs on their backs, as they command a very high price in our markets and restaurants. The state of Hawai‘i recently raised the minimum sizes for the kumu and uhu, but these new regulations alone will not be enough to facilitate the recovery of the stocks if the prime market size is also the allowable minimum size for capture. What good is a minimum size to the resource if one can take as many as he can? How many kumu or uhu does a fisherman need to feed his family?

It is time now for fishermen to unite on this issue and voice support for House Bill 3260. This bill proposes a bag limit for the aforementioned fish in an effort to protect the remaining stocks in a way that we can still traditionally and sustainably harvest them for tonight’s dinner — and hopefully discourage the commercial harvest of these fish from Maui’s reefs.

HB3260 currently pertains to Maui only. If the other islands such as Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau want the bill modified to include them, let your lawmakers know about it! In the meantime, we need to let Rep. Ken Ito of the House committee on Water. Land, Ocean Resources and Hawaiian Affairs know that you support this bill. Call him at 586-8470, or e-mail him at repito@capitol.hawaii.gov

Additionally, let Rep. Mele Carroll know that you support her initiative in hearing this bill. You can reach her at 586-6790 or repcarroll@capitol.hawaii.gov

If you are seeing less of these fish now and we do not make any changes to the way we continue to allow the taking of our resources what do you think your children will be able to catch in a few years?

Brian M. Yoshikawa
Wailuku, Maui
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby Ken » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:50 pm

It is sad how the proposal of regulations (nevermind the enforcement) often lag far behind the decrease in fish stocks...but I guess it is better than not having any regulations in place at all. :?

It happens all over the world and all too often. Sad indeed. :?

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