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20 fish over 5 Pounds

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:16 pm
by Stan Wright
If it was anyone else I wouldn't believe it.... I still have a hard time believing it. But then I saw Larry in action today.

Today, they caught 332..... count 'um 332 fish..... What is more amazing than catching 332 fish in a day is that 20 of them weighed over 5 pounds? :shock:

Over 20 of these were peacock bass in excess of 5 pounds each. His largest was a 6 1/2 pounder.

He told me there were 32 largemouth.... most were skinny, but several were in good shape.

WHERE were you fishing???? "All over the place. Every point we pulled up to we caught fish. The Saddle, Blue Boat, Morgans Pt.... all over the lake."

Fishing time was 10 AM to 6 PM.... "I had to drag them off the lake. the fish were still going crazy."

Around the middle of the afternoon they ran out of bait and Larry had to call his wife to bring him another bucket full....

So much for the old saying.... " That's why they call it fishing, and not catching."

Where's Waldo? I mean where's Larry?

One of his many "Secret Spots." :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:48 pm
by trashfromthepast
Congratulations Larry. Could you teach me how to fish?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:32 am
by FishinFrenzy
Too amazing to be true. Let's see some pics! :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:47 pm
by Lrry93
FishinFrenzy wrote:Too amazing to be true. Let's see some pics! :lol:

It is no joke. We really caught 332 fish. I had to make them stop fishing so we could leave. It was a blast. I will get some pics up as soon as the people I took out send me some. I was so busy hooking bait and taking off fish I didnt have time to take many pics. It was one of the best days on the lake in a long time. Alot of quality fish were caught! I think the largemouth caught stayed under 20 though.

Nice report Stan! Giving away my secrets again :shock:

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:25 am
by FishinFrenzy
That's insane! What live bait did you use?? We went out last week with small feeder goldfish but only the devils and catfish gulped them up.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:49 am
by Stan Wright
We've been using the "medium" size feeder fish lately. (About 2 inch) I get mine at Moanalua Pets over in Stadium Mall (by the Ice Palace)
They have about the best price.... 100 medium size for $15.

I also use tilapia and mosquito fish. But then I have to go out and catch them.

Fish the points... Morgans, Blue Boat, Mikimiki Flats, the south side of the saddle at Boy Scout Island.....

The bigger the bait, the bigger the fish. A 3 or 4 pound fish can easily eat a 12 inch bait. Many times I've been catching 12 inch peacock bass on ultra light tackle and had a big largemouth or peacock bass eat it. A great way to catch big peacock bass using big baits is to.......
But that's another story..........

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:20 am
by FishinFrenzy
That is a good price Stan. Do they normally have a good supply?? Wal-Mart is pricey for the feeders. I think the small were .26 each and medium over .50 each.

I fished them weightless on a light wire Owner hook with 6 lb line on my ultra light. Do you guys throw to the fish you see or basically blind cast on the points and wait for the bite? Also, how far off shore do you guys get the most bites??

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:41 pm
by Stan Wright
Fishinfrenzy.... you know it would be a lot easier to just take you out on the boat and show how we do it. :roll:

Fishing with the "medium size" live bait.... (about 2 inch size) We use 4#, 6#, and 8# test line when we pull up to a point and fish. I use a #10, #8, and #6 AH hook. I don't like to use a weight, Chris like to use one BB size split shot. We toss it out from 5 to 20 feet from the shore and just wait, or sssssss-l-o-w-l-y reel it in.... like your fishing a plastic worm. There isn't much to get hung up on.

Going for the big fish... I use an 8 foot rod & casting reel with 50# test PowerPro and a 30# test leader.... I've tried circle hooks, bait hooks, and bass worm hooks. Just about everything works.

I like to just slowly cruise the shore line about 10 feet from shore.
Gently place the live bait about a foot or two from the grass or a steep bank and watch them struggle trying to get to cover. If there is a big fish around it will come up and chase the bait. If we see a fish, we just toss the bait near it. All the action happens right there near the surface so you can see everything.

I've also used a large bait ( 6 or 7 inch size ) while fishing the points with the goldfish. I just let it swim around. ( usually it tries to climb back into the boat....) You won't catch nearly as many fish.... but when you do get one on it will be big one.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:58 pm
DAMN! you guys are killing me! thur night i had my rig all hooked up and was ready to go, doin my checklist batteries good, fuel good,lights working. OH OH fired the motor no water out the pee hole,engine over heating.shut it down checked for blockages,flushed the pump out comes little black rubber pieces............... damn impellor on the water pump!!! much for a holiday trip out on the lake seeing as wal mart dont exactly carry honda water pump impellors eh.but i mean no biggy right no like i was gonna be missing much...........................HAHAHAHA

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:34 pm
by FishinFrenzy
I was just curious...we all know the big tucs and LM like to pound the smaller tucs when you are reeling them in...but I was wondering has anyone ever tried to use one of the smaller red devils as bait? Seems to me like they should work. What's your thoughts? OR has anyone ever thrown a large orange crankbait that might be taken as a small red devil? I've tossed some red CBs but didn't have a whole lot of strikes. Maybe it was just a slow day...who knows. :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:43 am
by skunked
I had almost as good a day as Larry, minus 330. I finally went out for the first time in months and I caught a small tuc and I had a small largie come off right at the shore. BTW, does that count or does it have to be actually landed? I guess it don't count. It would've been the first bass I've landed on the lake in several years! Both were caught on a red Bandit crankbait, so yes, the red crankbaits do work, at least a little. I was very rusty as evidenced by my 5 nasty birdnests! Sucks, especially with expensive Sufix Braid that now needs to be replaced.
Also, hello to the (edit) in the white bass boat with silver stripes who blew past me on full plane. Thanks for slowing down about 20% (for about 10 seconds) when you were directly in front of me. That was so nice of you!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:20 am
by LCPointer
My apologies Skunked. :oops: I did not see you till the last minute because I was making sure no one was coming from the other way around the bend. I usually drop off plane if I see bank fishers long before I get to them but sometimes you guys are hard to see when you're in the shadows. Again my apologies.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:25 am
by skunked
Thank you. I appreciate that. Ok, let's forget about that and get this topic back on track. Sorry Stan and Larry.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:21 pm
by Stan Wright
Alls well that ends well.... Thank you very much.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:36 pm
by FishinFrenzy
I must say everytime I'm in my tube and a boat goes by everyone has crawled past me. Thank you guys very much! By the way, what is the speed limit on the lake? I always thought it was a no wake lake. If that's the case I think almost everyone breaks that rule at some point. Even me, when I'm kicking hard, I make a wake in my tube. LOL :lol: :lol: :o 8) :D So I guess no one has tried to hook up a small red devil as bait? Thanks for the red CB news Skunked. You really need to get your priorities straight and visit the great outdoors more often. :P