Fish are schooling

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Fish are schooling

Postby cameroncarr0311 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:12 pm

Tonight fishing was slow when all of a sudden a masive school of tucs started feeding on the surface, so luckly I had a top water lure on, I tossed it in the middle of the rucus and popped the popper a coulple of times and hooked a small tuc, then cast another and got a little bigger one, then I lost one before I could retreive em. the funny thing was I was catching all the fish on a pretty large popper, I put on a smaller one and didnt catch a thing. All and all I had a good time,

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:27 pm

wow you could reach from the bank? or were you out in the middle either way always seems the major action is always just outa reach.wished i had more time to fish i never get in on the late afternoon busts.

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