My First Hawaiian Fish

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My First Hawaiian Fish

Postby cameroncarr0311 » Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:32 pm

Well I went to down behind my house today to try and catch something in lake wilson, I had a peace of bread on trying to catch some bait when i caught something a little bigger than bait. It was a Red Devil. that was the first fish I have caught here in Hawaii. I hope to learn the rythm of the fish here cause ive noticed they are way diffrent than the Alabama Bass and Blue Gills that Im used too. Well I was just excited to catch a fish and thought I would share my expeirience with others. :)

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Postby skunked » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:25 am

Congrats on your first fish in Hawaii! Hope it's the first of many and hopefully your first tuc (not "tuke") will follow soon!
I would volunteer to help you but I'm not nearly as good a fisherman as many of the others here. I'm mostly just a "tackle ho" as Mel "kahuna bass" would say.
I'm sure you will receive some great help and advice from the people here. If not by direct responses, you will learn a lot just by reading the threads and posts here.
Good Luck!
Fishing is fun only if you do it for fun.Image

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