good day for us

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Sr. Castalot
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good day for us

Postby Sr. Castalot » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:52 pm

It started out at the strait befor Morgan’s Point (what I call broken pole pass). caught a 3 lbs 6 OZ tuc are biggest yet. This fish we feel it took 3 of are tolaps and broke 2 lines of 6 and 8 lbs tess. We caught 3 fish as we worked towards Morgan’s PT. Then we moved on bye Blue boat Pt and caught a 2lbs 13 OZ large mouth, and a strange but cool looking variation of a red devil. So the day ended with a catch of 2 large mouth 4 tucs and a cool looking variation devil fish if that what is. If its not please let me know.


Imagered devil or not that is the question
catching fish must be fun!

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Postby Ken » Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:44 am

Call me crazy...but that looks like a small Jaguar Guapote (aka Rainbow Bass) from Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua...) :shock: . They can get to be a few pounds. In the larger specimens, the spots will become smaller with respect to body size. The markings will also fade and in some cases, the roll of larger blotches on the lateral line becomes more like a solid line. Males will develop a hump on the head just like the peacock bass males. The Jaguar Guapote is a cichlid afterall just like the peacock.

Scientific name: Parachromis managuensis (according to FishBase)

I saw a fishing show on TV a couple of months back and the host said they fight pretty hard for their size. They love structures so you really have to crank them out before they can dive right back into the nasty stuff.

Totally cool! :shock: And congrats on this fine catch without even stepping off Oahu to catch it! I would submit it to Hawaii Fishing News to see if you can get it on as a record catch. I don't think they have an entry of a Jaguar Guapote yet.

I guess I'll have to try harder next time to look for one of those. Anyone seen more of those around (when they might have been identified as a brown red devil?)

Here are a few pics of some Jaguar Guapote from South America. The large round blotches on the lateral line and the marking on the body tipped me off.




Last edited by Ken on Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:05 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Ken » Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:58 am

Maybe it was a release by a hobbist (fish got too big or aggressive for his tank)?

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Postby Lrry93 » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:23 am

It is a Jaguar. First one I have seen in Wilson but the pond at U.H. Is full of them.

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Postby Ken » Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:04 pm

Is fishing allowed on the pond at UH? :roll: :lol: Seriously...

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Postby FishinFrenzy » Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:36 pm

Ken, I caught one earlier this year by the sewage plant. It looked more like the middle pic and about the same size maybe an inch larger but it wasn't as colorful and was more brownish with similar spots. I just thought it was a spin-off from the red devils breeding with something else.

"A bad day of fishin is better than ANY day at work"

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