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Happy Hour At BBP and One Eyed Jack

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:03 am
by Pegasus
Happy hour at BBP on Friday was epic. As I pulled in, there was a small bust near the shore. Quickly tossed a small tilapia in the general area, and a nice largemouth picked it up. That was followed by three more largemouth- all over 2 lbs and healthy looking. I have never caught that many largemouths at BBP in a day, much less in a row ! Where were all the tucs ? That question was soon answered by a nice 3 lb tuc. Filthy Fisherman was working the sporadic bust in the area. After a few more three pounders, I called him over to check it out and give it a try. As they were pulling in, I hooked up a nice 4 1/4 lb tuc. And on my next cast, another 4 lb tuc. I can't remember having back to back beast like that before ! I told them about a largemouth that I caught earlier with only one eye. His name is...... One Eyed Jack. The youngster with Filthy then catches the very same fish ! So be on the look out for One Eyed Jack. He is hungry ! I decided to toss a big five star out and Filthy and his crew were shocked...... but not as shocked as they were when a few minutes later I hauled in another 4 lb tuc. But all good things must come to an end. Things slowed down and those guys left to chase the busting fish.
So for the few hours I was out, I had three tucs at 4 lbs and five tucs at three lbs, and five largemouth over 2 lbs. It was an amazing happy hour !

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:57 pm
by Stan Wright
Now that is a good days fishing...

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:30 pm
by Soldierboy
That's like winning the lottery to me. I have found a few spots that produce some nice fish time to time but not like what you experienced. Way to Go!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:58 pm
by Pegasus
It was about as good as it could get for about two hours. That is why I called Filthy over..... even though I know he is a lure guy, he had to see what was happening. And as Stan says, the more the merrier ! The more baits in the water, the more fish show up. We have had some good afternoons out there lately, but mostly smaller fish. This was the return of the big boys.
Rule # 2 See rule # 1

And a side note.... I was out at the same spot, the Friday before.... and got two fish. You never know !

PS..... Thanks Filthy for the swim baits. I will have to give them a try when I see schooling fish.