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"Secret Spot" Report

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:02 pm
by Stan Wright
Remember how Chris won't tell me anything because he says I can't keep a secret? Well, John is about to learn the same lesson. :twisted:

He said today that Blue Boat Point is where it's at.
Using live bait he caught fish ranging from 3 to 5 pounds. Lots of fish.
So if you want to catch... say, 25 nice peacock bass... you should get yourself 25 live bait and head over to Blue Boat Point.
What, you want to catch 50 peacock bass?
Well, then take along 50 live bait.
Come over to the dark side, Luke.
Use the live bait.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:12 pm
by shanai
live bait . . . . . resistance is futile