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Super moon report 6/23/13

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:00 am
by shanai
Super moon fishing was mostly overcast skies and persistent rains throughout the day with some late afternoon sunshine. The water level was about 75 feet with calm winds.

It was a very difficult catching day as we flipped, jigged, cranked, wormed, spinned, spooned, dropped, shaked, creatured, rattled, rolled and topped the grass, logs and everywhere else but could not get any bites. The only action was the morning busts of bass chasing shad around the basin.

All told, ten anglers weighed a total of eleven fish (12 if you count the one that went over the side before weigh-in). Four anglers were blanked with three others getting a single fish which left only three anglers with multiple fish. There was one Tuc among the weighed fish with the largest individual fish going about 2 1/2 - 3 lbs.

This is the first time both my boat partner and I got blanked on the same day, I'm going with the Super moon's extra gravitational pull on the earth as the reason that I couldn't get the fish to bite, not sure what excuse he's going to use.

:oops: :cry: :oops: :roll:

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:24 am
by roadwarriorsvt
Well if there were any tournament to skip, I'm glad this one was it for me! Sounds like I would have gotten skunked as well.