Finally made it out

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

bass level
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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:15 pm

Finally made it out

Postby Modest_Man » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:32 pm

It's been a while since I've gone out. With work and class I just haven't had the time. Went out Sunday to fish from shore (boat launch) with a friend. Went out today in the nasty weather kayaking for a few hours.


Here's what I caught. 4 about this size. :rolleyes:

Here's what she caught. :rolleyes:

A red devil one of the old uncles caught that he threw at us for some reason (didn't speak English). Any idea what they're going for over by the boat launch? I've seen them pull in plecos, devils, tilapia, and carp, but they never seem happy.

This picture cracks me up on so many levels.

Shots from today. It was windy, rainy, and awesome.

Here are the shots I got, it's really hard to take photos of a fish you're holding in a net while on a kayak. I ended up dropping my camera in the water, all the shots after that didn't come out. I think I landed about a dozen devils, and saw about a 100 or so. Saw some large tucs, they didn't want my bait.

Don't mind the still works. Kind of.

The lone bass. Very nice color on the guy.



This guy was huge. as you can see, he goes from my fingertips to about 3/4 of the way toward my elbow. Compare him to my thigh...and I'm 6'2". Easily 14". Stripped the line like a bass.

Terrible shot of the barred devil I caught. I took this guy home. Too cool to let go again. :P You guys see many like this? There is a picture of one incorrectly labeled as a convict on the photo's actually the normal color of the devils in the wild. About 90% of them are barred ad 10% are orange. The orange live in deeper water than the barred so they appear black due to the lack of red wavelengths. But I digress.

I'm really looking for a red devil with black fins and or a mainly white with red. I want to set up a tank and breed them. If anyone catches one and can hang onto it for a day or two...I'll come pick it up. :P

Stan Wright
King Sushi level
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Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:00 pm
Location: Hawaii

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:18 pm

I'm glad to see some one having some luck. Looks likes you guys had lots of fun.... Hope the fishing is starting to get good again.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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