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2013 fishing report.......

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:47 pm
by Pegasus
January first 2013. Rain Rain Rain..... Had a couple tucs come out and rush my bait, but no hook ups . My first fish of the year was a solid 5lb tuc. Got him in the trees on live bait. Picked up a couple largemouth and a case of frostbite. The wind and rain were tough ! Want to post a pic, but having technical problems........
I also have a picture of Gary on his point with a nice 5 lb tuc caught on Dec. 30th.
My last fish of 2012 was a 4 lb tuc off bbp on a tilapia.It was my only fish that day. Good way to end one year, and start the new one !

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:47 pm
miserable weather, but the fishing was pretty good. got 3 largemouth in about 3 hours of fishing. called it quits with the freezing wind and rain and didnt get to the lake till 8. biggest went just under 4lbs with a nice 2.8 and a 1.11 too boot. i was surprised how many people braved the weather to fish. especially shore fisherman! from what i saw everyone who took the punishment was rewarded too. cold fronts can be great for fishing!

