Tagged bass 3984

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Tagged bass 3984

Postby chipster621 » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:43 pm

My wife caught tagged bass 3984. 12.5 inches, 1lb 7oz. Friday 11/23.

Caught between Flower Gardens and Tuke Rock.

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:06 am

Thanks for the report...
That fish was tagged on 6 April, 2012.
It was recorded at 13 inches and weighing 1.14 pounds.
Tagging location was "Pineapple Fields", so it looks
like it hasn't moved from where it was first caught.

I wonder if it was a schooling bass caught in the middle of the lake, or actually caught against the bank across from where you caught it?

From the tagging information received over the years, I'm seeing the largemouth bass staying within several hundred yards of one area... not moving very far from a "home" location.

There was one fish that was caught several times near BSA Island. Once it was caught in a Tournament and was weighed and released at Kemoo Island. Within days after the tournament it was caught again at BSA island.

On the other hand a peacock bass may be tagged at one location and caught again a week later several miles down the lake.

Again, thank you for reporting the tagging information, I'll pass it along to
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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