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Sunday HFFA Tournament ? ? ?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:53 pm
by Stan Wright
Has anyone got a fishing report for Sunday ?
The only thing I heard was:
Chris was fishing in the tournament, but he said the fishing
was so junk he left at noon.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:01 pm
by Stan Wright
Well, somebody caught a nice Peacock Bass...
here are the pictures.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:11 pm
by Filthyfisherman
NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!! Lol!!!!!!

Ya,,, it stunk!!!!!! Fishing was really tough... I only managed 5 all day, and not really patterned out.. Threw everything!

I see they Hired another DLNR enforcement officer!!!!!! How about a couple feeders DLNR????? There only $175!!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:24 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
Yes, it was a tough day of fishing. I could only manage one little largemouth the whole day, and I was thankful for that one! In tournement fishing, every single fish counts. With the points spread between some of us, one fish could make you or break you. Some guys who win or place really high in the touneys got skunked today, but hey, thats fishing. It really keeps things interesting.

Sunday HFFA Tournament ? ? ?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:39 pm
by shanai
It was one of those " you should have been fishing here ...(on another day) it was raining fish " kind of day. What a difference a few days makes.

18 anglers in 13 boats took to the waters. The weather was beautiful, mostly sunny, with occasional overcast clouds, some light rain and nice trade winds. After a few days of heavy rains, the water level was up to 76' and clear with the morning water temperature starting out about 77 degrees.

To say that the catching part was really difficult for most in the club, is an understatement. There were only seven anglers that managed to catch their 3-fish limits. A number of anglers got skunked and many were able to catch only 1-2 fish. We had a couple of new members that fished the tournament for the first time and they happened to fish on one of the toughest days for catching. Hope you guys are not too discouraged.

Our boat only managed two bass between two anglers. Both fish were caught using a lipless crankbait. One was a tagged fish # 4287 and it was a skinny bass weighing 1.31 pounds. We noticed that the skin around the tag
looked blistered and red and the fish did not look to be in great shape.

I guess that's why it's called fishing and not catching - one day it's raining fish and every lure you use catches fish, the next day, no matter what you use - you get nada! But no matters, it was still a perfect day for fishing, and there's always tomorrow.

steve :D

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:55 am
by Stan Wright
In all my many years of fishing and taking detailed notes. ( wind, temp, humidity, lures used, water level, location, weather, etc, etc, etc,...) There seems to be 2 things that affect the peacock bass.

1. Water Temperature... Water Temp under 78 degrees seems to really slow things down. Yes, they have to eat at some time or other... but the higher the water temperature, the hotter the action.

2. A rapid rise in water level, say even a 2 to 3 foot rise over a day or so due to rain in the mountains usually shuts things down for several days.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:55 am
by Stan Wright
In all my many years of fishing and taking detailed notes. ( wind, temp, humidity, lures used, water level, location, weather, etc, etc, etc,...) There seems to be 2 things that affect the peacock bass.

1. Water Temperature... Water Temp under 78 degrees seems to really slow things down. Yes, they have to eat at some time or other... but the higher the water temperature, the hotter the action.

2. A rapid rise in water level, say even a 2 to 3 foot rise over a day or so due to rain in the mountains usually shuts things down for several days.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:03 am
by Baires722
A tough day for fishing for sure but there was a pattern, at least for me there was. I ended up with 6 the whole day and missed 2. Success on a day like yesterday if you ask me. I was hoping the schooling action would be the same as Friday but of course it wasn't. I started hitting the banks after 10:00 when I couldn't get a bite to save my life. I used a mid-running crankbait and a jig and still nothing. The key for me was backing off the bank and put the bait where the bank used to be. I caught all of my fish in the 15-25ft range with my boat sitting in about 30 to 40ft of water. My opinion is that the water came up way too fast for them to adjust. It takes atleast a week before they move back up into shallower water where I think their more comfortable. There are patterns for this madness, sometimes it just takes half of a tournament to figure out. The crazy thing is, how did the magician catch 3 tucs?!

Sunday HFFA Tournament ? ? ?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:37 pm
by shanai
They say that magicians never reveal their secrets - although he did mention that he found a pattern for the Tucs and was able to use that pattern to catch a number of them.

Before the tournament began, Kelton stated that on one of his fishing ventures, he caught a clown knife fish and took it up to the hatchery. Although these fish are nocturnal, he came across a pair and was able to catch the smaller of the two. Here's a link to more information on this fish. Unusual but pretty cool looking fish. ... efish.html

steve :)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:25 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
I'm thankful he removed it from the lake, hopefully before they spawned.