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Report 7-14-12

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:13 pm
by Filthyfisherman
Launched 2-5pm, Couple Red Devils, LM, Tuc, SnakeHead, Catfish, And some lost fish!! Sunny, Hot, prt cldy, Windy 7.9 SE, BP30.05f, Level 68.87 Bottomed Out, WT 83.4! stained 2ft, We found them a little deep today,, and used the Agent Utah with 1/8oz tungsten bullets in Pumpkin and Watermellon colors!! Chris is a new member here at Filthyfishermen and easily passed the initiation of catching a nice fish with our plastic's. Caught a nice TUC! We had some good action today just throwing the Utah Around.. Chris also got a nice snakehead! Really healthy and cool looking!!! We were fishing up north in 3-10ft water, maybe 15ft... Water temps were high and the water clairity is bad around the Dam. Chris also caught a Catfish that had a Cuelling rope tied to it . After some minor surgery we got it free hopefully to heal up, it was a nice catty! We took care of some Red Devils. They were aggressive today!!! We will be putting a Wilson package together this week which will include 1/0EWG Hooks plus a couple 1/8oz tungsten wieghts and packs of The FF Agent Utah 3" Stick worm!!!! The Best Lure I've ever made!!!!!! Normal $20 Packs



Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:18 pm
by Cris808
Thanks for taking me out Jeff!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:05 pm
by Ahnkochee
Great variety, congratulations. Did you let that Pongee go? I would love to see the Pongee population increase and maybe start putting some serious pressure on the Red Devils.

Large Pongees will eat anything including red Devils.

But it looks like Red Devils feed on young Pongees too.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:01 pm
by Cris808
Yup we let it go

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:03 pm
by Ahnkochee

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:07 pm
oddly enough i have seen maybe a half dozen or so pongee in the 2 lb range cruising various locations on the last couple of trips out on the lake. before that the last one i saw was in 2010 and the last one i actually caught i think was 2009. always seem to make a reappearance when the water is lower.last trip out i actually saw a huge boil next to my boat and at first glimpse though it was a huge papio. I'm thinking now of course it was a pacu which would make more sense but it must have been in the 10-12lb class, startled me to have it come up so close to the boat outa no where.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:45 pm
by Ahnkochee
Thanks for the exciting news, gives me more incentive to get my butt out to the lake. :D